Saturday, May 24, 2014

“He is a good person . . . Was a good person. He was just misunderstood.” Now we don't have to misunderstand him any longer. Whose fault is that exactly?

Wannabe Gangsters Just 'Tryin' to Eat' When Killed During Break-In


Anonymous said...

Amazing how often this happens; however, I've yet to read of this type individual getting killed while on the way home from Wednesday night Bible study. Why do you suppose that would be?
Simply said, there's nothing to misunderstand here. Breaking into the home of someone else is a surefire way of riding out of this world in a pine box.

Kenneth Moore said...

"just trying to eat", breaking in and entering is illegal and immoral. So self defense is more than defending your house and home.

THEBigFatPanda said...

"Multiple shots to the chest". Well, at least it sounds like SOMEONE practices their marksmanship.
Bravo Zulu.

T. Paine said...

Let me see if I understand this situation. A punk thug breaks into a house...the second time and gets himself killed. So he:
-He made a conscious decision to steal someone else's property.
-He used force to enter the home (the article did not say he walked in an open door) thus demonstrating a propensity for violence.
-He's clearly, again by free choice, aligned with the so called 'hip hop' culture which is clearly a culture of violence and absolute disrespect for the rule of law.
-He obviously either planned the break in and had an accomplice or joined one. Again....personal choices made.
-(Some hyperbole here) I wonder what his final thoughts were? Was he proud of his life? Did he cry for mama? Did he feel 'misunderstood'?

I could keep this up but I feel with the information available, I understand the punk perfectly well. And if he'd broken into my house, the result would have been the same.

SWIFT said...

They wanted to eat, so they ate some lead. It's a win-win situation. They got an appetizer, the widow kept her belongings and some flotsam became jetsam. I love happy endings.

Anonymous said...

"Tryin' to eat"? Bullshit! The facts at the scene say otherwise. Law abiding, armed society strikes back. This was a good, clean shoot and saved tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars that would have been spent on repeated corrective action. Arrest that fucking mother for negligence.

Anonymous said...

...and the directors kid in San Diego. he child of liberal parents. Can't imagine that a conservative director would be 'allowed' to create such a block buster as The Hunger Games.
Likely raised like all the other liberal hollywood kids. Ignored, left on to his own way too much. Not much parental guidance. Normally, this doesn't matter much. But this kid had psychological problems. His parents probably tried to placate him with expensive gifts, like that BMW. They likely gave him the money that he bought the gun with too.

There is only one mass murder/assassination in the last 150 years that was MAYBE committed by a right winger. Tim McVey. But he was likely set up as a patsy by our very own government. All the rest were left wingers or they were the crazy children of left wingers.

Anonymous said...

No, they were hood rats. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I happen to live in the area (alas), so the widow's brother made my life a little better.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the widow's brother will be cleared in what appears to be a clean shoot. But, even if he's not -- better to be tried by 12 than carried by six. (old cop saying from my Philly days)

Ed said...

Just "tryin' to eat"?

Obviously, they picked the wrong diner, even though they may have picked that diner before. The menu changed.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:41PM
To illustrate your point, read today's (Sunday's) "Day By Day" cartoon.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

And they still have Hell to look forward to....

Anonymous said...

It's hard to come up with a better example that demonstrates we are in fact two nations living withing the same borders.

One of them believes "What's mine is mine and what's yours is ours" and becomes outraged when the other doesn't go along with it.

Paul X said...

Like Ma used to say, "Good riddance to bad rubbish."