Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Darn near killed myself yesterday

All females being off doing other stuff, I made the mistake of weed whacking part of the yard yesterday, so of course I am beyond exhausted today. Running late. I'll have more later.


BadCyborg said...

Ever notice how intolerant of stupidity Mother Nature is? I go out & do something stupid and exert like that and the universe smacks me smartly upside the head. Says something pithy like NUMBNUTS!!! And sends my dying old mass to bed!

Total pain in the ass, this dying thing. Ain't it?

Ron Thomas said...

Ah, the three day weekend, plenty of time to relax and rest. Not me either! Out doing chores and honey-dos all weekend long. I was kind of excited to come back to work today!

Sam Manila said...

I know they say that hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance ?

Moe Death said...

The only thing that got killed around my house all weekend long was some homemade chili and a lot of "hydraulic sandwiches."

Domino is still mad at me for putting her on the wagon...

Bill and Domino

Anonymous said...

Weedwacking and vine pulling here as well, along with all the pain and stiffness appurtenant thereto ...

Suck down some extra strength Excedrin (or other OTC item of your choice) and get some rest!

Anonymous said...

Take it easy. You are in no condition to do such work.