Thursday, March 28, 2013

Legislative report from Kansas.

Just received this by email:
House Bill 2199, The Second Amendment Protection Act of 2913 is almost a done deal in the Great State of Kansas. It passed the House with a vote of 94 to 29 opposed. This Act will first nullify 2nd amendment attacks from federal government ...and contains a section (9) ...which prohibits physicians, except psychiatrists from inquiring about the presence of firearms in a patient's home or property as a part of the process of obtaining the patient's medical history. Much cooler, it will allow SBRs, SBSs, suppressor manufactured and kept in Kansas to not have to go through the NFA process.


BadCyborg said...

Reckon ATF or DoiJ will challenge that in court the way DoiJ did Arizona's immigration law? Could get mighty interesting, folks. MIGHTY interesting, indeed.

Anonymous said...

If kansas is serious any federal harrasment will be no more effective than it was against pot legalization.

there are simply not enough feds to do enforcement if the state refuses

Anonymous said...

Drag up a chair, bring on the drinks and popcorn. Action to commence in three. . . . . two. . . . . . one. . . . . .

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Never wanted to move to Kansas before.