Friday, March 22, 2013

Heck, we ain't even got started yet.

Fury Grows Over Colorado's New Gun Laws


SWIFT said...

I pray the recall elections come off and and a bunch of Dems have to get a real job. That message would be heard loud and clear across America to other would be commies.

Anonymous said...

Jobs? No.

The Democratic operatives, apparatchiks who drove this fiat disaster deserve to be in prison. My first thought is Guantanamo where they can experience the full 'loss of freedom under authoritarian control' they're trying to establish here in the United States.

What ever the outcome of the '14 elections and recalls, they should seriously consider an identity change, moving far away from Colorado (Cuba, Bolivia or Venezuela come first to mind) and an extremely reclusive posture for their private lives.

When this dust-up settles, their faces will be be well known and they may find it very difficult to avoid public attention.


Anonymous said...

We'll see. I think Kolorado is too 'blue' to be salvaged. Lived here all my life and just can't believe what it has become with it's Kalifornication. But no sense in not trying!Death to tyrants!
Behind the enemy lines in Kolorado

Trinity said...

I think we can all rest confident that Colorado's liberty was compromised, sold out by the politicians, for a neat package of rewards (personal as in campaign support or cabinet appointments at the big boy's table, public as in federal donations/spending). I doubt the local tools of the progressives -- Hickenlooper, Carroll, Hudak, etc.-- had any interest in pursuing people, errr, gun control measures until national interests offered to buy their advocacy in support of their agenda.

Just look at Hickenlooper in example. After the Aurora tragedy he correctly said that no gun control laws would have deterred or slowed down crazies like Holmes. But soon after the elections when the national Democrats (who ignored the issue prior to those elections for political safety) began calling and visiting, all of a sudden new control laws became a priority.

There's nothing that inspires confidence in government than the aroma of political payola in the air....

Anonymous said...

SWIFT - who in their right mind would even think about hiring most of them? I guess they could become community organizers or ows agitators.......;-)

Anonymous said...

They hear us cry: "Treason!"

and still belive we will not make the most of it ...