Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Speaking uncommon good sense to the collectivist insensate.

Thomas Sowell's latest:Do Gun Control Laws Control Guns?
Gun control laws allow some people to vent their emotions, politicians to grandstand and self-righteous people to "make a statement" -- but all at the cost of other people's lives.
Of course, but this is not about facts, nor about crime, unless you count tyranny as a crime -- the greatest crime -- which I do.


MamaLiberty said...

Unfortunately, Thomas uses some of the grabbers undefined terms and weakens his argument and dilutes the message.

What is "gun crime?" The grabbers include every incident where a person has possession of a gun they consider "illegal," regardless of whether or not it was used in a real crime of aggression.

And, furthermore, the gun isn't the crime or the criminal. The term "gun crime" adds to the picture of the gun itself as the evil component - quite aside from the person who uses it.

An unfortunate choice of words, as is his repetition of the word "bullet" when he obviously means cartridge or round. Too bad.

And I would have sent my concerns to him, except that LRC does not allow comments and there is no way I could see to write to Thomas directly. Also sad.

Anonymous said...


The much spoken of 40% US gun transfers are off record figure turns out to be... Questionable.

A sample of 251 randomly phone called individuals in 1993-1994 who WERE ASKED A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT QUESTION was extrapolated. No one knows the true figure, nor has a credible research project been done.


Trinity said...

@Mama: If you go to the below listed link (Townhall) there is a link to email Sowell located right under his name. The link sends the email to Townhall who in turn forwards it directly to Mr. Sowell. He has responded to me a couple of times over the last couple of years, so I believe he's not beyond responding to serious readers.
