Sunday, January 27, 2013

Riiiight. . . Barack Obama: 'I go shooting all the time'

Killing people with drones doesn't count, Barack.


Anonymous said...

What he doesn't understand is that the gun tradition in rural American has a civics lesson attached to it.....yeah hunting, but don't forget the resistance to tyranny.

Anonymous said...

Nor does that bit of vicarious marksmanship known as the Juarez birthday party massacre .

Anonymous said...

Yeah I can see Obama shooting a 12 gauge. It would probably break his shoulder. I would more likely believe his wife does lots of shooting.

Bear said...

I guess “skeet” is the new liberally-correct term for Paki kids.

Backwoods Engineer said...

No, no, you have to think like the Chicago thug that Obama is. The Urban Dictionary defines "skeet" as "semen" or "to ejaculate".

Sounds like Bathhouse Barry to me...

Anonymous said...

quote "I guess “skeet” is the new liberally-correct term for Paki kids." unquote

Obomination is a consummate advertising exec. He knows when to invoke the "pink tuna" the turn of the century, the Tuna industry was experiencing a downturn in sales due to cheaper Salmon. Their ad agency came up with a solution. Simply advertise a guarantee that the tune would NEVER turn pink, thereby suggesting something was wrong with Salmon. It worked perfect.

In this case, Obomination is guaranteeing that hunting will never be endangered by his unconstitutional Executive orders, thereby implying there is something inherently wrong with owning "assault" weapons, thereby obfuscating the REAL reason of owning them, as the average person can NOT conceive of our Federal gov "ever" doing something banning semi automatic weapons...let alone vaporizing hundreds of innocent human beings via drones..or rendering and torturing human bodies hundreds of times..or prosecuting more "whistle blowers" than all previous POTUS's combined. Nawwwwwww..they wouldn't do that now would they?

The average American is a fucking dimwit on steroids. You know it. I know it.

Anonymous said...

JudgementComes said...

Shitbird...A completely useless creature that does nothing but cause nuisance and aggravation.

Originally coined in the US Navy by sailors tasked with washing decks clean of the massive amount of avian excrement created by sea birds that shit all over everything.

Has come to define any living creature, human or otherwise, that is without redeeming qualities.
Sailor: "I just got assigned to swab the fucking launchdeck... The goddamn shitbirds flew over last night and completely destroyed it."