Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kurt Hofmann: NRA unlikely to strongly fight private sales ban unless pushed to do so

With NRA membership surging, leadership (if that's not too kind a term) appears poised to beat a hasty retreat. It's time for them to grow a spine--and they had better hurry--and they will only do so if we demand it. Drop them a line.


Anonymous said...

Stop bashing the NRA! You little whiners need to stop bashing the largest pro-gun organization in the US. If you do not like the way they are doing things, get elected to their board and make changes. It makes no sense for you to badmouth or otherwise attack them. Attack the REAL enemy. Hint: it is not the NRA. All of you write as if you are the heads of some large, well-planned organization. The NRA actually is! You goofballs ARE NOT the leaders of anything except your imagination. Stop letting your jealousy of the NRA cause you to write stupid things. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 8:46--


Also, in IL, the ban on firearm carry has been ruled unconstitutional. The judge gave the state 180 days to pass a carry law (if the ILGA desires to do so). If they won't or can't pass a carry law then the state will default to Constitutional Carry in June of 2013. Many bad gun laws have been proposed by the liberals and they have been defeated thus far, but gun owners need only play defense and wait them out for 6 months to get what they want in full. So what is the NRA doing right now but drafting its own bill which will require fees, permits, background checks (redundant given IL has a FOID card), training requirements, etc. Why would the NRA take the offensive position and offer a compromise for a permit-based system when it doesn't need to do anything to get Constitutional Carry? Answer: The NRA needs to be needed and membership dollars will dry up unless there remains something to fight against. This bill is a gun-control bill disguised as a carry bill because the NRA wants to have work in IL in the future. So long as the NRA is around you'll never see all 50 states go to Constitutional Carry because there would be no further need for the NRA to be involved in politics at that point. Wayne isn't going to give up his $600K annual salary if he can help it.

JudgementComes said...

Anonymous. If the article is true, it is not bashing the NRA. If they play pattycake with the insiders of Washington, then they should be called out for it.

If they don't want to get 'bashed' , quit sleeping with the enemy.

The Second Amendment is in real risk. It is under attack. And we have arrived at this state of affairs with the mighty NRA having been in the mix all along. They have failed.

America is about INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM not the power of large groups.

And since you stooped to name calling...you are an asshole.

What goes around comes around.

Mr. Jones said...

I am a life member of the NRA. I just contacted NRA-ILA and inquired about their position on the "gunshow loophole" red herring. I was assured by an indifferent sounding rep that the NRA does NOT support any legislation that would require background checks on private sales.
In turn, I assured the fellow I spoke with that if the NRA does not VIGOROUSLY oppose ANY bill requiring checks on private sales, then the NRA could consider my membership void.
Enough is enough.
What part of "shall not be infringed" is so hard to understand Mr. Keene? If Mr. Keene doesn't have the spine to lead, then he should get out of the way.

Mr. Jones said...

I am a life member of the NRA. I just contacted NRA-ILA and inquired about their position on this "gunshow loophole" bullshit. I was assured that NRA does NOT support any legislation that would require background checks on private sales.
In turn, I assured the fellow I spoke with that if the NRA does not VIGOROUSLY oppose ANY bill requiring checks on private sales, then the NRA could consider my membership void.
Enough is enough.
What part of "shall not be infringed" is so hard to understand Mr. Keene? If Mr. Keene doesn't have the spine to lead, then he should get out of the way.

AJ said...

If only GOA had 4.5 million members....

SWIFT said...

I joined Gun Owners of America. Their stance is more to my liking. No compromise, no debate, no surrender. Personally, it is Tarleton's Quarter to ANYONE who tries to shove gun control down my throat.

Why even sit down with the left? They bring nothing to the table to barter with. They want something, but have nothing to offer. Screw 'em!

Anonymous said...

So a Fudd is able to get their comment in first. Don't worry Elmer, I'm sure the antis will leave you for last.

Historian said...

"Stop bashing the NRA! You little whiners need to stop bashing the largest pro-gun organization in the US. If you do not like the way they are doing things, get elected to their board and make changes. It makes no sense for you to badmouth or otherwise attack them. Attack the REAL enemy. Hint: it is not the NRA. All of you write as if you are the heads of some large, well-planned organization. The NRA actually is! You goofballs ARE NOT the leaders of anything except your imagination. Stop letting your jealousy of the NRA cause you to write stupid things. Thank you."

Fact- The NRA has been complicit in every major piece of Federal victim disarmament legislation passed in the twentieth century.

THIS is why so many gun owners have stopped supporting the bootlicking Lairds of Fairfax, and support GOA or JPFO or other real pro-rights organizations. If they man up and show some principled resolute support for our rights, they might be worth the air they breathe. All the NRA's "reasonable compromise" has done is to have brought us to the edge of civil war. They are the Kapos in the Konzentrationlaager that the US is becoming.

Charles N. Steele said...

The reason Bloomberg, Obama, et al. are attacking the NRA is that NRA has been very effective in electoral politics and in lobbying Congress, enough to have really hurt the left. NRA may not be perfect, but it is on the rigt side and it is very important. I want to see NRA be much more aggressive (and as a member I am starting to insist on this) but NRA is clearly not surrendering.

The article itself provided no reasonable evidence that NRA is about to capitulate, nor did the video.

It's ridiculous for Second Amendment supporters to start insulting and fighting with each other at a time like this. It's the best thing Obama and Feinstein could hope for. And count on it, they do strategize about how to divide us.

Johnny said...

The NRA will fold like a poop sack then post AWB will demand money from its members to "fight to reverse the legislation." Follow the money.

Liberty or Death said...

Not perfect? NOT PERFECT!?!?!? the nra has been complicit in NFA34, GCA68, AWB and crap loads in between. Here is a hint the nra needs to learn... if the other side brings nothing to the table, giving up something isn't compromise, it's called CAPITULATION! Heller and McDonald were both nearly lost by the nra AFTER the SAF pretty much had the cases sewn up and the nra insisted on getting involved. Remember the last case the nra took on from the beginning? I sure as hell don't.

You want support for the nra? Tell the board to undo all of the damage they caused since their inception. THEN maybe, after watching them with a suspicious eye, we will start buying memberships again. Until this happens, do not be surprised at all when someone looks down upon that worthless PoS Fudd organization.

Charles N. Steele said...

This reminds me of debates among libertarian friends (I'm a libertarian, BTW) over what the perfect political system is. Since the U.S. Constitution isn't perfect it isn't part of any of their systems and none of them think it worth defending. But in the real world, you must use everything at your disposal, including imperfect institutions, and the Constitution is better than anything it is likely to be replaced with in the near future.

NRA is not the enemy in this fight. It's an imperfect institution, but name a more effective or high profile lobbyist. It would be better to be sending messages -- not hostile ones -- urging NRA to fight even harder.

Anonymous said...

Another link citing a recent activity by the NRA to undermine gun rights. Thankfully, they didn't succeed this time.
