Monday, December 13, 2010

Report on today's hearing. Plus, my tax dollars at work.

Things looking up, I think. Case continued until 4 April 2011 at 1330 HRS. Little I can tell you about specifics but we are still looking at getting the charge dropped. I am happier with the new attorney than I was with the first. He actually has a plan that may work.

On a much funnier note, the courthouse security waved me though (twice, morning and afternoon) after going through the scanner (it still beeped) but didn't submit me to individual wanding and because (I'm convinced) they saw my new ATF Canine Unit key ring that Waldo gave me. That's the first time THAT'S ever happened. My tax dollars at work.


Texas Shooter said...

Hopes and prayers that things continue to go your way, Mike.

Bad Cyborg said...

Absolutely OUT-FREAKING-STANDING. Too bad you won't be able to sue the inbred "the only one" pig that started the whole mess to get your legal fees back.

Hopefully the good things your Attorney told you will lower your stress level. Stress ain't good for you any way and it sure ain't good for diabetics.

Hang in there, Dutchman.

Bad Cyborg X

pdxr13 said...

Last time I was called for jury duty I rode my bike downtown with a backpack full of tools (incl. knives, etc.) and they wouldn't let me check it or lock it in a locker (for officials other than me), so I got to carry it around the courthouse all day (on jury, near shackled prisoners in the halls). Of course, everyone was just as safe as if I were to bring a loaded holstered pistol on a commercial aircraft.

Security Theater is everywhere.


dropnout said...

Said a prayer for you last night Mike. I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Glad things are looking up and I want to give you a heartfelt thanks for everything you do.

Scott J said...

Said a prayer for you and asked those who call me friend on Facebook to do the same.

Dave said...

Tell the judge you're an illegal alien. You'll find that suddenly things start "magically" going your way within the legal system.

Dedicated_Dad said...

Also praying that our (in)"justice" system actually does the right thing this time...


Anonymous said...

Don't want to spoil the slight buzz but what do you know about the judge? I already know about the prosecutor or you'd never have had to show up for court. That is unless you really some kinda big time criminal...

Come on mike, fess up! I'll bet you have a record of unauthorized gum chewing, as long as my arm!

Anonymous said...

Hell....I had a Sheriff Deputy supervisor wand me and have me walk through the courthouse metal detector and STILL got into my local county courthouse.....with a PT-22 in my back pocket ! ! ! !

Bottom line....from dogcatcher to the Oval Office....they're all worthless, incompetent government slugs.