Sunday, November 28, 2010

White Racist Gun Owner Tea Party Veteran Domestic Terrorist Christian Fanatic Arrested in Car Bomb Plot.

Oh, wait. Well, maybe not. Where's Big Sis Incompetano's SPLC profile in this case?


Dedicated_Dad said...

Smells like another OKC-good thing THIS one didn't get away from them, huh?

Gotta LOVE how the news reports are all talking about "home grown terrorists" and"domestic extremism" in describing a guy from somalia whose first AND last names are BOTH "mohammed"...

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so damn sick...

Anonymous said...

Darn , there's me thinking he was one of them thar violent Quakers !

Anonymous said...

I still have the not-so-nagging feeling that this was not only a sting but a set up by the Fibbies on some used-to-be innocent young man to distract the sheeple, and make them clammer for more Big Gubbment protection.

B Woodman

Sean said...

Article sez tens of thousands of these people have been brought here since 1990s. Great. Anybody but me seen the videos these animals took of when they were mugging old people on the way to the pharmacy in Minnesota? They've been a crime wave and acute social problem since they arrived, I bet they really come in handy to have around when TSHTF.

Defender said...

Who radicalized him? Just one book...that's all it took...
Looking for an opportunity to kill and/or die for Allah, ready to go to the Middle East and roll the dice on the battlefield where he would most likely be Maggot Chow by now, when the FBI literally took him off the plane to keep him in this country. Is that their job now? The Taliban probably would have shot his feckless ass themselves.
If you've ever seen the Sandra Bullock movie "While You Were Sleeping," you know Peter, a womanizing corporate type whose sole good deed was saving some baby squirrels who supposedly fell from their nest. After a near-death experience, he confesses "First I knocked them out of the nest with a rock. THEN I saved them."
The government treats us like children when THEY'RE the ones...

Happy D said...

Anyone giving odds on the fire being started by the local jihadists so they can distract from their boys extra curricular activities?

Anonymous said...

If it looks, smells like, and tastes like ****.

It must be ****.

Defender said...

Michelle Malkin debunks the government's "broad strata of society" explanation of the origins of terrorism. With photos.

The best solution is for the government to not break bad on American citizens when they are vigilant and ARMED. Notice that I did not say "ALLOW them to be..." They have bombs; we have firearms. It's hard to push the detonator switch when you're leaking brains.

Anonymous said...

I watched the slide show. It portrays the imam as the victim. Nothing at all about what might have influenced the wannabe bomber.


Defender said...

Saw a mention on GatewayPundit that Obama's cousin, the prime minister of Kenya, wants homosexuals arrested. That led me to see how much of Kenya's population is Muslim; reportedly ten percent. That doesn't sound too scary. But look what the ten percent feels the time has come to do. It IS scaring people.

Anonymous said...

I call bullshit on that damm fire. ""When accused of a crime try to become the victim"" SDS hand book 1970..The fire was in a storage room ?? if it had been set by non muslims it would have been a better job,,. bullshit I Say.

Curtis said...

I want TSA agents at Train Stations, Bus Stations, Sports Events, Concerts, and etc., NOW!

I appreciate the fact that the FBI is able to find these Muslim derelict boys, mentor them, make bombs for them, and then arrest them.

I am still disappointed that the FBI has not been able to find one of these derelict Muslim boys and mentor them to stick a fire cracker up their arses and board a plane ... we need to somehow convince the booboisie that anal and vaginal probing is for their safety and well being.

Dennis308 said...

While the Guberment is busy out there protecting the Muslem Communitties who is going to protect my neighborhood?
Why I am,cause ain't nobody else gonna do it. But then again that makes me a Radical Exstreamist. I think I can live with that.


Defender said...

I just saw a followup story on this other guy. The man who planned to bomb the New York City subway system?

Najibullah Zazi, a former Colorado **airport shuttle driver** ...

Hey, no profiling, right?