Monday, September 21, 2015

What did you expect from the Obamanoids and their West Point asslickers?

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies
“The reason we were here is because we heard the terrible things the Taliban were doing to people, how they were taking away human rights,” said Dan Quinn, a former Special Forces captain who beat up an American-backed militia commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave. “But we were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did — that was something village elders voiced to me.”
The policy of instructing soldiers to ignore child sexual abuse by their Afghan allies is coming under new scrutiny, particularly as it emerges that service members like Captain Quinn have faced discipline, even career ruin, for disobeying it.
After the beating, the Army relieved Captain Quinn of his command and pulled him from Afghanistan. He has since left the military.


coyote said...

this is no different than orders to ignore the horrors visited upon the german civilians after wwII.

Anonymous said...

Those remaining military who are not ass-kissers and taint-lickers, should learn and practice at least three of the Four Esses while stationed in that shit hole called Afghanistan:

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

My boss (here in the Pentagon) overheard my support for the Green Beret, and he admonished me saying it was absolutely correct the soldier was drummed out of the Army because...(wait for it).....he committed assault.

And the sexual assault on a defenseless minor? *crickets*

This is what happens when a nation turns it back against God: you inherit national-level stupidity, and this is why this nation will not remain.

Anonymous said...

And who are the good guys?

Anonymous said...

Remember when the Soviets were flying into those hidden canyons in Afghanistan and taking out men, women, children, livestock...etc with their helicopter gunships? The world said they were brutal thugs. Maybe they knew better than us what they were up against. Maybe they thought keeping a young boy chained to a bed in the town mayor's house and using the child as a F**K toy was morally wrong. (Imagine that! The Soviets thinking something...anything.....was 'morally wrong'!) Maybe that's why the Soviet military slaughtered Afghans anytime they got the chance. They knew the Afghans were child raping animals.

Now OUR military brass thinks it's none of our business that the Afghan police chiefs like to keep children around, chained to a bed, for sexual 'fun and games'?

Our military has lost it's moral fortitude. Thanks, Democrats!

Anonymous said...

This is considered recent news? How long have we been muddling around those places? Hell, I heard stories from the Gulf War guys of Saudi's having pleasure boys in camp.

coyote said...

Mike, you are an important voice for those who would fight for our freedom. Our guns are the most important tool in our arsenal to maintain our liberty. Please consider the right to free speech as another brick in the foundation of our free country. I have attempted to bring some historical facts to the discussion of our nation's current domination by cultural and actual marxists who wish to take our guns. Truth: General Patton himself was quoted as saying "we fought for the wrong side." Our civilization is enslaved in a web of lies and deceit beyond anything imaginable by honest Christian folk. Soldiers must know their real enemy, and have faith in what is real and right before they will "run to the sound of gunfire." I pray you will see more truths to the reality behind the curtains drawn over our eyes; may God bless your efforts. The enemy is not the puppets of our political class; they are only the tools of those who we may not mention. Some of my previous posts may have offended you for some reason, If you cannot post this, I will refrain trying to post again, thanks again for your efforts. a patriot and fellow veteran, stuart.

Josh said...

I get the idea this order comes directly from the cic.

Anonymous said...

Seems as if everyone does it over there. I've seen plenty of stuff overseas that offended me when I was in the service. You're told just to ignore it. And, as a soldier, you follow your orders. Don't like that? Then don't join. Jeeze, they'd bayonet the same kids if ordered. Not American kids, who cares? Oh, someone does? And what are they doing about it..that's right, nothing. They don't care that much.

Anonymous said...

Hm. One wonders if CPT. Quinn will open a tactical training school. Thee 3-month sessions per year, training platoons at a time, in all the latest skills.

Just a thought.


Steve Kristmann said...

Anonymous said:

"...You're told just to ignore it. And, as a soldier, you follow your orders. Don't like that? Then don't join.."

Ah yes, spoken like a true slave or robot..I'd expect such a putrid reply from a pawn of the collectivists (fascist, communist, democracy junkie..they're all the same to me!). When a man ignores right from wrong and betrays his conscience, BOTH his soul and honor are lost IMHO.

Do the right thing..and F' the consequences!!!

Yours In Liberty!
Steve Kristmann

Anonymous said...

If you haven't, read "The Kite Runner." Not to justify or condone it, but it has been a part of the culture/religion, probably before the Islam began. And, as the left has been known to proclaim, all cultures are equal. Unless we're talking about female circumcision. In the 'Stan, it seems, the pedophiles are the lesser of two evils. But, the least the they could do is prevent it from happening on base.

Millwright said...

And how does this link to the recent Obama Administration change in leadership ? Do you suppose there's a "connection' ?

Anonymous said...

Didn't know there was a Pentagon chapter of NAMBLA.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, our wunnerful ally, that sadistic barbarian shit hole called Saudia Arabia, is poised strap a young man, tortured since he was 17 for being a dissident, to a Cross in preparation for his CRUCIFIXION...

Notwithstanding US military officers ordering their troops to ignore the screams of young Afghan boys being raped, for my government to support a regime of stone age scum sucking barbarians who torture, behead, and crucify their citizens as SOP.. i wanna slap every goddamned shameless politician in WDC who votes for it. Moreover, if and when one of these pig sucking SA princes or king ever comes to America..I hope some one assassinates their ass.

Anonymous said... are spot on in your comments but sadly there is an orthodoxy that purports another version of history that favors the worst offendors of morality and decency that you know cannot be pointed out not identified directly.

Sadly also, there is NOTHING untouched by moral and social corruption in the services anymore, especially in the last 7 years...If the purge of officers, the 5 misappropriated nukes taken by coimmanders BYPASSING and criminalizing USAF personnel whop tried to do their duty and STOP the transfer (who all conveniently died later under the usual assassinated ways, BTW)while under Obamas watch is not enough to scare you into understanding how bad things have gotten, then you just need to stop looking at all...three were recovered, one detonated under water about 200 miles southeast of Charleston (remember Lindsey Grahams very pointed warning that Charleston was under threat of a nuclear terror attack??) i remember, google his comments. One nuke remains at large DESPITE the USAF Nuclear Surety program...

We are well and truly fucked if this is what happens to good people supposedly serving the American people in the military. We fully deserve whats coming for letting these amoralistic trash take over unopposed...Its obvious that America has a very numberous enemy within our own borders that has killed America from within.

Sign me, Neal Jensen

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Afghanistan is a homosexual's paradise could that be why Imam Obama and his ilk are so supportive of this filth?

Anonymous said...

I have read accounts where US soldiers were not very good occupiers in Europe after WWII ended... drunken escapades including stealing everything in sight and rape. One of the reasons the French are not so fond of us. War creates all kinds of atrocities and moral decay. I am afraid I would have possibly shot that Afghanny. And they want to import this mentality to the US by 200k (bet it much more than that) "Syrian" refugees. Syria was originally Assyria, where the name Assassin originated. Think about that...

Anonymous said...

Hashish eaters and ass eaters. .The Founder's were idealists and men. Alas we stain their memory! Need I say more! SNAFU ! Behind enemy lines, Ct. I will never stand down. Nor comply . AAA/O. 11B20.

Anonymous said...

In this we could learn a bit from the example of the Brits in India:

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. We will follow ours." -- Sir Charles James Napier