Monday, September 21, 2015

Counter-Trolling The Liberal Lies

Liberals lie not only because the truth repels them like work repels a Democrat but because they hope to force you into accepting their lie and therefore becoming complicit in their deceit. Lying is an exercise of power; every lie we allow to pass uncontested is a small victory for these cultural trolls. Time to troll them right back.


Anonymous said...

Leave no false premise unchallenged! Trolls often couch a false premise in just a few words and then argue a different point. They will argue abject idiocy, knowingly, so long as they keep you arguing about foolishness if it keeps you from addressing that couched false premise. Learn to recognize that they will say assault rifle and then argue crime stats, hoping you will argue stats back and forth - adopting the assault rifle mantra. They willingly lose the stat argument if they can get you to adopt assault rifle as a term.

Wanna argue about crime stats? Great. Engage in a point that is not germane to your rights, but hammer that false premise across the board. Nail the fact that assault is a noun and a verb - not an adjective- and also nail the bogus attempt to hinge your rights on another's crime.
Troll the lying trollers with truth and they will run for the hills, seeking to comment places they won't be challenged.

Anonymous said...

That's why we call them "lie-berals"!

Anonymous said...

The first lie is when they tell you they are a liberal, when in fact they are Marxists.

Anonymous said...

I lie to these goofballs all the time just to piss them off. Its fun.