Monday, June 29, 2015

THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN MILLION! (And that was as of 3 years ago.) Hey, Bloomberg, take a gander at THIS. So, you think you're going to disarm us, eh?

Firearms Numbers in the United States 1945 - 2012.


Anonymous said...

He will learn that untouchable only apply's until the rule of law, is out the window.

Glenn Koch said...

Can U say Don Queohty, jousting at windmills is such a waste of time, Bloomey should focus his ideals on sodas, french fries, and such. This man is a goof.

Anonymous said...

So is that curve going up linear, or exponential?
Either way. . .. DAYYYYUM!

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

That's one hell of a domestic civilian army. Now I know why they fear the Tea Party so much! We got the guns!

Anonymous said...

"That's one hell of a domestic civilian army. Now I know why they fear the Tea Party so much! We got the guns!"

Its not an army without organization and training. Otherwise its an unorganized gaggle of people, many of which are not military age males or are physically, for whatever reason, incapable of mobility (a fixed position has its place of course). Its a whole lot more than just the Tea Party buying guns, I imagine there are a legion of people who have gone out since Ferguson and Baltimore to buy some kind of blaster for their house after realizing they may be on their own.

TimeHasCome said...

At two feet each they would circle the globe five times. Taking the guns will be a great success , like the War on Drugs.