Sunday, June 28, 2015

Here's one more: "Ayatollah Roberts and His Sharia Council."

In the matter of the so-called Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court ruled that the law must not say what it in fact does say because it would be better if it were not to say what it says and were to say something else instead. In the matter of same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court rules that the law must say what it does not say because it would be better if it were to say what it does not say instead of what it says. Which is to say, the Supreme Court has firmly established that it does not matter what the law says or does not say — what matters is what they want.


Anonymous said...

Judging Roberts's actions the last few years I'd have to say that he is either on mind altering drugs or is being blackmailed for something that most Americans would find horrendous.

Sean said...

Try this one. If the 14th Amend. is so explicit as to guarantee something not listed in the Constitution, then it should be just fine if I walk around Times Square in New York (ick) with my CHL and my gun, concealed, or a rifle or shotgun carried openly. Chicago? San Francisco? Downtown D.C.? Where ever. If the sauce is good for two geese, or two ganders, it ought to be just fine for chickens and ducks, too.

Anonymous said...

Barnhardt had this hears ago with the non-action on Corzine; the rule of law is dead in America.

Anonymous said...

SO they say that laws the infringe on a right are void? They did not actually say that per se ....

Anonymous said...

Y'all are using Earth logic. The law is whatever the Nine Kings in Black say it is this afternoon, subject to change with or without notice. Their reasoning is beyond taxpayer proles, and they are not answerable to the peons. By which I mean, they make it up as they go along, and neither the written law nor precedent restrains them from finding that two and two make five if that's what George Soros wants.