What passes for "intelligence" in the New York State Police. Nice to know I'm popular amongst the Southern Preposterous Lie Center-indoctrinated bully boys of Cuomo's Political Police.
"Who hath measured the ground?" New York State Police channel pencil neck prevaricator Potok.
Leaked Counter Terrorism Bulletin Warns Police of Impending ‘Far-Right Violence’ (Pay attention to the "authoritative" notes.)
UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. New York State Counter Terrorism Bulletin CTB 14-07
Recent Spike in Violence Targeting Law Enforcement 12 June 2014
Michael Brian Vanderboegh, a longtime militia member and founder of the III Percent Patriot Movement which was supported by Jerad and Amanda Miller, travelled to NYS at least once in 2013 to speak to the Liberty Oath Keepers meeting in Monticello, NY.18 The III Percent Patriots are a militia group comprised primarily of gun rights extremists who believe in the need to use violence against the government to prevent what they believe to be an impending seizure of all private firearms. The name derives from “an obscure, and not particularly accurate, Revolutionary War ‘statistic’ that claimed that only 3% of the American population during the Revolutionary War participated as combatants in the war.”19 The Oath Keepers is an organization composed of current and former military and law enforcement personnel who take a pledge to “not obey unconstitutional orders such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as enemy combatants.”20 There have been multiple observed instances of overlapping membership in the Oath Keepers and the III Percent Patriots, and the Oath Keepers’ founder has spoken supportively of the III Percent Patriot Movement.21

Not to mention consulting the human blimp Mark Pitcavage of ADL, who got his start in "counterterrorism" in the 90s selling names of militia supporters he culled off the Internet to the FBI.
18 http://www.splcenter.org/get%20informed/intelligence%20files/profiles/Michael%20Brian%20Vanderboegh
19 http://www.adl.org/combating-hate/domestic-extremism-terrorism/c/oath-keepers-and-three.html
20 http://oathkeepers.org/oath/about/
21 http://www.adl.org/combating-hate/domestic-extremism-terrorism/c/oath-keepers-and-three.html
Ah, to be the favorite target of the pimp and the blimp. Well, as Kurt Hofmann says, it is better to be despised by the despicable than admired by the admirable.
That last guy's photo?!! Holy crap! He makes Michael Moore look anorexic!
Is that the real life Fat bastard from Austin powers? Does he threaten to eat pro gun people and say, "GET IN ME BELLY?"
So what's your complaint Dutchman? To be despised by some of the goofiest people in America is something to be proud of. The FBI doesn't even listen to these clowns anymore. They're trying to link people across the U.S. that are bringing back common law grand juries to "sovereign citizens". Which is , of course to them, a terrorist movement. It actually shows just how dumb anyone who listens to these guys are as the words "sovereign" and "citizen" are diametrically opposed, making the term an oxymoron. And speaking of morons, what ever happened to their chief clown Morris (the sleaze) Dees?..BTW, thanks for coming to that OK meeting in Monticello N.Y. You rounded out the day...
Gotta love how they twist things to link you with the Millers...
The SPLC's rag that they send out to all PD's was promptly thrown in the garbage can when i came in to work and saw it lying on the bull-pen table. I did't want the rookies seeing it and believing the bs.
Back in the 90's, local militia gave Mark a nickname; Mark never-miss-a-meal Pitcavage. I am honestly astounded to see how accurate we were. The guy is bigger than that other swine, Abe Foxman was. Being an ass kissing, snitch, lefty, must pay well. On another note; I am please to see the New State Police try to unseat the Pennsylvania State Police, as reining champion, serial liars, of the east coast. Does my old heart good to see such competition.
I see donut dust in their beards...sure sign of political police.
Don't forget this gem. #HINDENCAVAGE
Mr. Vanderboegh,
If I ever inflate to the level shown by that blimp, I want you to remove life support. That way I will have to get up and walk somewhere to get something to eat. JWG.
... Vanderboegh,...supported by Jerad and Amanda Miller...
Big deal - Al Gore was supported by Ted Kaczynski and Fred Phelps.
Hey! At least he spelled your name right, Dutchman. Reckon what charge they'll detain you on if they catch you in New York State? Best be cleaner than an ISO 1 cleanroom of anything even remotely resembling contraband when next you venture into that pest hole of a state. I didn't lose anything anywhere on the east coast and I have no desire to come any closer to the Atlantic than a couple of places in Mordor on the Potomac. You folks who live there are welcome to it.
I did not know this until googling him and finding his wiki page. Yeah, he sure sounds like an expert and someone to trust:
Pitcavage's work was cited by Michael A. Bellesiles as "invaluable to the development" of his partially fraudulent anti-firearms "history" book Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture. Bellesiles subsequently lost his professorship over the book's erroneous and fabricated claims.
I am a 3-percenter. I would not call us a militia, at least not yet. I think we're mostly a bunch of patriots who won't let the government take our guns without a fight and who won't fire unless fired upon. Potok wouldn't know a militia if one passed by him in a parade. He is a lying dumbass who promotes fear of militias in order to raise funds from ignorant liberal donors, just as the SPLC has always done.
The only explaination is that their asses were sewn on backwards - how else could they spew so much excrement?
Pitcavage reminds me of "the broad side of a barn".
I don't think commenters should mock fat people--after all being fat has nothing to do with being an idiot. I am a fat, gun-owning patriotic American so should I be mocked for my fatness and not my belief in the second amendment?
thought you hated Alex Jones, how come you link to his reports...
When you start receiving flak, you know you're over the target.
Although wow, that Pitcavage guy... I've been trying to drop some weight myself but I suddenly feel a WHOLE LOT BETTER about my current state and how far I gotta go :D
This fat fauq doesn't even look like he could get out of that chair. All he can do is talk.
I measure a man by what he can do, not what he says. Way too many in DC, with more PHd's on their walls than I have toilet paper on the roll are always telling us what to think. These cretins can all kiss my ass! I am not listening to any of that crowd any more.
The structural integrity of that chair is simply amazing. I bet it is strong enough to survive an F5 tornado.
Doesn't he know that gluttony is a sin? It is always the types like that who try and tell everyone how to live who have major personal issues themselves that they need to address before telling us what to do.
If we viewed his reporting as an actual threat instead of free advertising, we could always just leave some twinkies outside of his office to force him to miss his deadline. We could not leave them too far away though or else he will have a heart attack. No way could anyone carry him out the door if he did require an EMT. The poor building would have to be partially torn down to get his fat ass out of there with a crane.
In a way, he is the perfect symbol for the typical American though. Dumbed down, morbidly obese, and enjoys telling people what to do while constantly staying ignorant.
NYC (and the State in general) has always been a blight on our Union. Still is. I think our founders thought so, and I agree. If it fell off into the ocean, I could not be happier.
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