Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This is why, especially in CT with Malloy and in CO with Hickenlooper & Udall, we have to keep pushing.

Kiss off: Democrats from pro-gun states tell ex-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to stay away
"Democrats are doing everything they can to stay away from it," said Denver-based pollster and political analyst Floyd Ciruli. "To the extent that any advertising from the gun control forces got out there, I think Udall would be very nervous that there's more downside risk than upside."


Anonymous said...

So it's REALLY time to ask WHY the "Republicans" aren't making the Second Amendment a front and center staple campaign issue. Maybe too many would have to face the fact that so many "Republicans" are really just gun control loving "Democrats" with an (R) behind their names....

Thomas Kassick said...

Politicians are just like a street walker looking to turn a trick.They whisper in your ear tell you they so horny ,love you long time,till they get their reward Your Vote!!!! Nothing but lo life whores,Malloy,Hickenlooper & Udall

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not you can have an effect recently in RI at a hearing room packed with pro 2nd amendment folk the sponsors of a anti firearm bill turned tail out of the hearing, the senate head of the committee called the sponsors cowards to the packed room.
Be seen, be heard, stand up.