Everyone, read the part in the article about "asserting your 5th amendment right". Did you know that as soon as you give a cop your license in a traffic stop you have just give up your right to remain silent? There are three rules of engagement with the police: 1) shut up, 2) keep shutting up, and when your done with those 3) shut up some more. excellent instructional video from a deputy sheriff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZVoB6EIr9E also, Carl Miller videos on how to deal with these guys should be watched and learned.
Giving your ID isn't giving up your fifth. The key is that you actually have to ASSERT your right vocally. Ironic as it is, SCOTUS says that simply remaining silent isn't actual exercise. First you must declare exercise and then you must exercise. Say you intend upon exercising your fifth THEN shush.
Take Illinois as example. If driving, you have NO CHOICE but to hand over license and insurance. My out have NO CHOICE but to undergo DUI tests too. Refusal to do any of these results in license suspension as part of the "agreement" to drive. But even here, vocally declaring the fifth means cops gotta suck it up. Nutin they can do if you know your rights....
Everyone, read the part in the article about "asserting your 5th amendment right". Did you know that as soon as you give a cop your license in a traffic stop you have just give up your right to remain silent? There are three rules of engagement with the police: 1) shut up, 2) keep shutting up, and when your done with those 3) shut up some more. excellent instructional video from a deputy sheriff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZVoB6EIr9E also, Carl Miller videos on how to deal with these guys should be watched and learned.
Giving your ID isn't giving up your fifth. The key is that you actually have to ASSERT your right vocally. Ironic as it is, SCOTUS says that simply remaining silent isn't actual exercise. First you must declare exercise and then you must exercise. Say you intend upon exercising your fifth THEN shush.
Take Illinois as example. If driving, you have NO CHOICE but to hand over license and insurance. My out have NO CHOICE but to undergo DUI tests too. Refusal to do any of these results in license suspension as part of the "agreement" to drive. But even here, vocally declaring the fifth means cops gotta suck it up. Nutin they can do if you know your rights....
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