Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hillary against the Second Amendment? Say it ain't so.

Hillary: Second Amendment Supporters “Terrorizing” The Nation…


sdharms said...

what she said is that gun supporters THOUGHTS are terrorizing the "majority" ... that is even worse.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between Hillary and Jane Fonda?


If you (in speech and action) are not for America, you are against it, as these two have demonstrated quite vividly.

Paul X said...

Er, isn't that what government is? A "minority of people who hold a viewpoint", terrorizing the majority? All empires rely on murder, torture, rape and theft to continue. Ours is no different.

Anonymous said...

Is the whole purpose of government (according to the Founders) to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority?

Why am I not surprised Hillary doesn't support this notion when it doesn't suit her?

Robert Fowler said...

I've been called a domestic terrorist since the Missouri Fusion center report a few years ago. Remember what Kurt said about being despised by the despicable. Wear it like a badge of honor.

Anonymous said...

The poster with Ham&Sic is quite funny.
Of course, maybe she is no longer a commie (one can reform, as you are proof of). Give her a few more years to come around.

Paul X said...

"Is the whole purpose of government (according to the Founders) to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority?"

That was just the sales pitch. As Nock put it in "Our Enemy, The State":

"... the new State had to be republican in form, for no other would suit the general temper of the people; and hence its peculiar task was to preserve the appearance of actual republicanism without the reality.... As well as one can put a date to such an event, the surrender at Yorktown marks the sudden and complete disappearance of the
Declaration's doctrine from the political consciousness of America."