Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mitt Romney: The Last Republican President?

"This is the last hurrah of the Republican establishment."


rexxhead said...

"The conservatives and libertarians will vote for Romney in November, but only because he is not Barack Obama."




WarriorClass said...

"The conservatives and libertarians will vote for Romney in November, but only because he is not Barack Obama."

Uh, no we won't.

fireplaceguy said...

As a meaningful opposition force, the Republican party has, for decades, only existed in people's minds.

(Like the NRA...)

Regardless of the topic, I always end up pointing out that it's far later than you think. The pertinent question to ask is "Mitt Romney: The last American President?"

Kent McManigal said...

Ron Paul, or else!

Anonymous said...

if he cant be trusted on the Second Amendment, he doesnt matter.


at least Obama is causing an implosion of the DOJ via Hubris.

Seremzh said...

"The conservatives and libertarians will vote for Romney in November, but only because he is not Barack Obama."

This conservative will never vote for a regressive. The lesser of two evils will ultimately become the only evil.

Ultimately this election will not matter because both parties (Republicans with Patriot Act, TSA, NDAA and Democrats with collectivized medicine, high taxes and NDAA) have done so much damage that this country is too late to save. There is just far too much debt, regulation and surveillance.

The only for restoration to happen is to let the regressives of both parties own the collapse.

John Smith. said...

Romney is like the Republican Obama. He acted just like obama as governor except he had different campaign contributors sometimes...

Anonymous said...

Even tho I am a registered Democrat, I would rather vote for a 3 legged dog named TRIPOD than for that nimrod Obama. No way, No how will Obama get my vote since I am convinced that a second term for him will do irreparable damage to this nation. If nothing else, Romney could also be a ONE TERM President as long as Obama is GONE.

Anonymous said...

There are three possible outcomes to this election:

Obama is reelected and his Cloward-Piven strategy produces an economic collapse. He blames capitalist roadies, declares a state of emergency and his economic czars assume power in a command-and-control regime.

Paul is elected, downsizes the fedgov and provokes a severe recession. There is a "recapitalization of values" and the economy heads for a strong recovery.

Romney is elected and attempts to muddle his way through. He tries to placate everyone and ends up pleasing no one. The result will be social chaos, legislative gridlock and economic stagnation.


WV: "pubdump"--What the grassroots will do to the party establishment of Romney is elected.

Anonymous said...

"The conservatives and libertarians will vote for Romney in November, but only because he is not Barack Obama."


It's Ron Paul or nothing.

Anonymous said...

F..k em,they have proven themselves as full of shit as the rest.Herr Karl Rove and the rest of the republicrats are in for a real disappointment.Americans will not turn out in sufficient force to vote for the whitewashed Obama.The more they and the comic media stab Ron Paul in the back the more despised they become.Any government as hated by as many of its citizens as this one is,Has got a real problem on its hands.