Michael in Mississippi sent along another story about Congresswoman Slaughter's brick, along with this addition:
Victoria Dillon, a spokeswoman for Slaughter, said the motive is unknown. U. S. Capitol Police and the FBI also are investigating, she added.
You will note that I called for the breaking of local city and county Democrat headquarters windows. Such vandalism is a local crime, if in fact in today's situation it is a crime at all. Not that I expect such distinctions to have any weight when it comes to the Fibbies and me. Facts are not necessarily much of a hindrance to feds with an agenda.
Well, details can be helpful sometimes.
So a person shreds the Constitution, becomes the "victim" of retribution, and doesn't understand why?
She should be impeached on the basis of stupidity.
Resistance has to start somewhere.
I would love to see a run on bricks next week. It's good for the window installers.....we all need to do our part for job creations.
If ObamaCare passes or is 'deemed,' then we should localize and privatize our medicine.
I volunteer to learn one part of the medical trade (setting bones, injections, or another) and offer that service, regardless of statutory allowance, for barter and trade.
What do you think? Starve the beast and opt out. It has some basic OPSEC benefits as well, in the likely, but unfortunate, event that this conflict takes a turn.
Check out this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window
Might change your mind on the 'good economics' of window breaking. Yours is the argument that the Keynsian socialists in Washington are using for everything from the Stimulus, the Bailouts, HCR, to the illegal and unconstitutional wars they are waging.
In Liberty,
--- KP
You're missing the point. The Window War has nothing to do with the economics of how much it costs to replace the windows in question.
It's about sending a message, not employing glaziers.
I said a prayer last night that all those who have closed their ears to their constituents voices and please for common sense will come down with a severe case of diarrhea before any vote regarding this monstrosity. May God deal with them ever so harshly for violating their oaths.
They don't know the motive?
See, I TOLD you none of them paid any attention to all those cards, letters and phone calls.
Unfortunately, I don't suppose they'll ever get the message from bricks or rocks either - unless they get hit in the head with them perhaps. :(
Maybe notes need to be attached
Just because they say they don't know the motive doesn't mean they don't know. They're sharing glances, you can bet on it.
Anonymous said...
I would love to see a run on bricks next week. It's good for the window installers.....we all need to do our part for job creations.
That is just so ... so ... Bastiat?
And good catch Kevin Patrick.
Respectabiggle said...
You're missing the point. The Window War has nothing to do with the economics of how much it costs to replace the windows in question.
It's about sending a message, not employing glaziers.
I am sure Kevin can speak for himself, but I am also sure he GETS IT.
Anyhow, everyone should read The Law, by Frederic Bastiat.
Thanks for the link http://bastiat.org/en/the_law.html "Brutus". I agree everyone should read it, and it was written by a Frenchman no less.
another one... http://rochester.ynn.com/content/top_stories/499457/vandalism-at-democratic-headquarters
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