Saturday, March 20, 2010

Free Republic picks up on Sipsey Street, the Window War, etc. A little poetry by "outhousepatrol."

Louise Slaughter's brick continues to be discussed in the blogosphere, including here at Free Republic.

Perhaps this is why Sipsey Street Irregulars got over 7,000 hits yesterday.

I got a chuckle out of this doggerel by "outhousepatrol."

If one of these “Rat Holes” is suddenly a victim of spontaneous combustion, how then will that affect the yes votes?

One if by brick
Two if by flame
Three if by hearse
If the rats continue the game


Taylor H said...

I knew we had creative minds in the movement.

Anonymous said...

a paraphrase:

"One brick is a crime; a million is a statistic."

Anonymous said...

Another good quote from ARFcom: "I deem that window not to have been broken."

I declare today, National Slingshot Procurement Day.

And the balance of March through April 19 as "David Versus Goliath Remembrance Season"

JokersWild said...

Beware the Freepers. They have proven again and again that despite whatever talk comes from their quarters that they are and always will be GOP loyalists. If they court you they intend to use you like a whore to get their wants and then readily discard you once they find that when you say freedom it doesn't mean the GOP.

Anonymous said...

"I declare today, National Slingshot Procurement Day.

And the balance of March through April 19 as "David Versus Goliath Remembrance Season" "

Thats hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the folks in charge of local Democratic Party HQs are not reporting the vandalism to the police in an attempt to keep a lid on this powderkeg. I know for a FACT that more windows have been broken than have been reported.


I Buried My Guns said...

Dearest Joker's Wild:

I am a Freeper.

I am not a GOP loyalist.

My loyalty is to family and Nation.

I stand opposed to totalitarianism, and thus Obama.

That said, a lot of Freepers are tools and I do not like them one bit. Mostly old farts.