Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a hoot! MIAC Fusion Center FOIA Response.

Go here for explanation. What a hoot. It's a secret, don't ya know?


Anonymous said...

WTF! A fully written draft just magically appears out of the air & drops into Missouri State cops hands.
No background material, no author, no outside sources. Again, WTF!

Can you say, "plagerism?" I knew you could.

If I had ever dared to pass off something like that in high school, it would have been an automatic F from the teacher, & some severe punishments (plural) from my parents when they heard about it, or saw my report card.

B Woodman

Brock Townsend said...

As they say in Vietnam describing a liar, "His tongue has no bones."

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Bravo Sierra.

SPLC was known to have influenced the report...

Anonymous said...

And this cretin draws a paycheck... from the taxpayers of the state???Hah! What an effin' LOON!
Oh, well... there's always room for another 'useful idiot' on the Obongo Express to Hell.

Anonymous said...

How can they claim "no background material was retained by the author during drafting" then claim to have no knowledge of who the author was?

How can they know (s)he didn't retain stuff without asking?

How could they ask if they don't know who to ask?

Lies - pure and simple.

What's the penalty for refusing a request under "the sunshine law"?


USMC VET said...

Freedom of only the information they're willing to provide...

They don't feel compelled to obey their own laws...

That will change when our Republic is restored...


Johnny said...

My dog ate my homework and I thought we had none anyway.