Wretched Dog forwards this image with the notation:
"Now that is an excellent name for a pub!"
He says the image is "courtesy of Mr. Free Market; http://www.fmft.net/"
And if I'm not there to buy a round, just set a double of Bushmills (neat) on the bar for me. After a suitable interval, somebody can drink it. Damned shame to let it go to waste.

If you are not there to drink it, I will hold my glass high and thank you for your sacrifice. Then I'll drink a few with my thanks to you, Patriot.
Mike III
Great post. I like Bushnells too $$$.
Take care,
Tom S
"Slaughtered" isn't the right word, as it bears a negative or undeserved connotation.
I'm unsure what the proper phrase WOULD be, but that's not it.
"Neutered"? Nope - not strong enough.
Going to have to think on that one for a bit...
Bushmill's... Bushnell's...
It's all good. ;-)
"the moldering socialist" may suit you then...
i'm a glenlivet man, but i still chuckled.
Great name for a pub! However, I prefer Powers Gold Label - the most popular whiskey in Ireland.
Euthenised, put down, eliminated, drowned, hanged, hung drawn and quartered, burned, cured...
So many euphemisns, so little time
We wouldn't insult you with a round-bottle drink.
Slaughtered could be taken to refer to a very, very drunk socialist...
How about the Hanged, drawn and quartered Socialist?
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