Sunday, June 12, 2016

Par for the course

Five bucks will get you ten that not a single hand wringing, ivory tower dwelling, cultural elitist fop will be held accountable for signing this.


Longbow said...

When all those Lynchings were going on in the last century and before, I suppose it was the result of "Rope Violence". It was because of the easy availability of rope. There was just too much of it and it was just too easy to get.

the Plinker said...

I'm sure ISIS apparatchiks will be taking notes, however.

What was it Einstein is supposed to have said about insanity? Oh, yes. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results. Something like that.

BobF said...

I can see many with pen in hand ready to whip their John Hancock on it until they read that last one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right - they might ever give up their armed security! That would put them in the same position as the unwashed masses; and they can't have that

Chiu ChunLing said...

I'm sure plenty of them will sign it. Why wouldn't they?

It's not like they make a living by being honest and demonstrating personal integrity.

Sean said...

Anyone who signs that shit is too stupid to live anyway. And won't.

Anonymous said...

Yep! Please! Put your name to that useless "promise". And then publish the list of all those who signed aforesaid "promise".
Meanwhile, I won't have to do a thing. I'll just pull up the easy chair, pop the popcorn, and open my beverage of choice. I might even make a pool and take wagers and odds.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

There's a few other choice comments and cartoons concerning the weekend's massacre. Here's one. Go over to Western Rifle Shooter's for more.

B Woodman

oughtsix said...

It's a parody, folks.

That line about giving up personal securiy is the Clue....

Not Me said...

That's pretty gay- even without being PINK...