Monday, September 23, 2013

If you want to take a dump in Venezuela, better bring along your own toilet paper.

Perfectly predictable result of collectivist "economics."


Anonymous said...

A sure sign your country is going to sh*t; when it nationalizes a TP factory!

Da Curly Wolf said...

hmm this one should be filed under "welcome to america's future unless we get our shit together and get rid of creeping cruds and viruses that infect our government"

Anonymous said...

Cheer up Venezuelans! Your Muslim brothers will show you that toilet paper is not necessary.

Anonymous said...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
I remember back in the 60's and
70's when the rare American got a tourist visa to visit the old Soviet Union. They were advised to take their own toilet paper as there had been a chronic shortage of that commodity since the Russian revolution in 1917. Now another Marxist shithole follows the same Marxist blueprint and gets the same results. It didn't work in Russian or Cuba. Castro had to resort to assisting drug cartels to make money after the USSR fell. North Korea, great place to lose weight but not a good place to live. Every place Marxism has been tried it has failed. Even the heathen Chinese had to resort to a capitalist economic system in order to survive. And the dumb bastards on the left want the same system here. They have maintained that if they were in charge of it they would run it right in a purer form of Marxism. I guess that means instead of killing 20% of the citizens they will kill only half.It should tell you alot about a bastard like Obama that he can still support, embrace and long for a system of government that is responsible for the deaths of over 120 million people in the 20th century alone. Sick as shit. That is what they are.

Doug Rink said...

Not enough toilet paper? Venezuela's central planners sent troops to the factories. That'll fix it.

It's the same thing they did after the power grid failed a few weeks back. Put national guard in the power plants.

Venezuela is crumbling because socialist central planners were busy funding projects to make themselves look good. Didn't bother with the basics of infrastructure or the industry.

America best heed the lessons on display here.

AuricTech said...

I would not be at all surprised to read reports of Venezuelan customs officials seizing, as contraband, toilet paper carried by international travelers. After all, it's highly unlikely that first-time international travelers to Venezuela will have applied for import permits or paid the appropriate brib^h^h^h^h tariffs. Fortunately, the latter transgression can be rectified* upon arrival....

*The quasi-pun was sitting there, just begging to be used. It would have been callous and cruel for me to refuse.... ;-)

Anonymous said...

>>Cheer up Venezuelans! Your Muslim brothers will show you that toilet paper is not necessary.

You BASTARD! I spilled my coffee LMAO! lol

Anonymous said...

No Shit Sherlock!!! Better not try taking a dump unless you have some of that "Precious Paper" I have a copy of the KORAN to use for Toilet Paper. Not very absorbent but it sure as heck manages to wipe the poop off my backside.