Friday, August 30, 2013

"Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President?"

Not bloody likely.


Anonymous said...

maybe some day. If he stops playing nice, stops being politically correct and grows a pair. The the guy will stand up to O and look him right in the face.
Tell him what he and most of the country less a few liberals really feel about him.
I can dream cant I???

Anonymous said...

The Orange Weeper and Mitch McConnell are part of the problem with Washington. They have been there to long and are two of the poster boys for term limits. Boehner was considered as a reformer when he was first elected twenty odd years ago. And now he has become what he once abhorred. This one of the biggest issues with a full time Congress and the establishment of an elected class in America. Boehner has either gotten old and tired or he is just content to take his payoffs and perks and just go along to get along. Those days must come to an end. No one should be allowed to serve more then two terms in the House and one term in the US Senate. I would also mandate by Constitutional amendment the establishment of a mandatory retirement age for Federal Judges. This should be set at 70 years of age. No more lifetime appointments. This is for starters. Repeal of the 16th and 17th amendments to the Constitution must also be repealed in order to restore the right to representation to the respective state governments.That was taken in 1914 with the ratification of the 17th amendment. Originally the states had oversite of the legislative process through their ambassadors to Washington, their Senators. Now the states have no voice and the Federal government which the states created runs rampant over the rights of the states and the people.

Anonymous said...

“When people are elected to federal office they promise to go to Washington and drain the swamp. But when they get up there they find out the swamp is really a giant hot tub.” -- Dave Woodard

BadCyborg said...

Unfortunately for the country, Boehner lacks three absolutely indispensable body parts to enable him to do such a thing - 2 testicles and a spine!