Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Justice for Trayvon"? So, it is fair to ask, where's Al Sharpton on these atrocities?

New Haven, CT


irishdutchuncle said...

how about Justice for
Autumn Pasquale?

Anonymous said...

On Oklahoma:

Australia is giving us grief for the gang crime whining about guns and asking tourists to boycott the US.

A quick check on Fact Check found Australia's very restrictive gun law has yielded minimal numbers that correlate with gun violence. Numbers range from 11% reduction to none...

Even they can't agree in their own country and want to tell us what to do here. A bit hypocritical no doubt. But our State department has chimed in on cue....

Jimmy the Saint said...

The answer is simple. Trayvon was hunted down and murdered by a racist whitish guy simply because he was black. The incidents in Oklahoma, Memphis, and New Haven? While unfortunate, those are legitimate expressions of black rage made directly in response to the constant oppression of blacks by a racist white society intent on returning blacks to a state of slavery.

Sharpton and his ilk basically just take a page from Lenin: "To us, everything is permitted, for we are the first to raise the sword not to oppress races and reduce them to slavery, but to liberate humanity from its shackles."

Heads - Sharpton et al., win; tails - you lose.

Anonymous said...

Screw it, I'm going to say it. This looks like a low-intensity race war that only one side is fighting.

Anyone want to guess what happens if the intensity increases or the other side jumps in the fight?

SWIFT said...

Al Sharpton is too busy with his latest "arm candy", to respond to the latest expression of black outrage. But I feel confident when he emerges from his love nest, emaciated, he will appropriately address the issue. The POS !

Anonymous said...

Screw the damned Aussies! They're a bunch of pussies.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

To Jimmy the Saint,

You boys better consult with the Indians. Oh Yea, there will be no more reservations.

Ed said...

If any of these three attack victims had responded with gunfire and killed or seriously wounded their attackers, then you would hear the cries of "racist!".

In the meantime, cue the crickets, and do not expect the DOJ to do anything. That would be acknowledging that there actually is a problem, and we do not want to present any problems that do not have palatable solutions now, do we?