Tuesday, August 20, 2013

More along the lines of regime self-delegitimization and throwing away the Mandate of Heaven.

Enough breaches of trust -- and I haven't even started to hit all the scandals out there, by a long shot -- and ordinary people will start to assume that the whole system is corrupt. And if that happens, people will quit following the law because they think it's the right thing to do, and only do so to the extent they're afraid of getting caught.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I asked Oblabla which laws I could ignore as he is the greatest example of a scofflaw I could hope to emulate.
Since his only response was to ignore more laws, I figure he doesn't care which laws I decide to ignore.
The IRS is grossly corrupt anyway.
My next choice would be ignoring Illegal Immigration laws and posting up on the border for a bit of target practice.
I still believe that if you drop a half dozen or so, the flow would drastically diminish.