Thursday, February 23, 2012

The concept of Green Zone as a spreading stain, indicative of the loss of legitimacy.

The Mandate of Heaven (Chinese: 天命; pinyin: Tiānmìng) is a traditional Chinese philosophical concept concerning the legitimacy of rulers. It is similar to the European concept of the divine right of kings, in that both sought to legitimize rule from divine approval; however, unlike the divine right of kings, the Mandate of Heaven is predicated on the conduct of the ruler in question. The Mandate of Heaven postulates that heaven (天; Tian) would bless the authority of a just ruler, as defined by the Five Confucian Relationships, but would be displeased with a despotic ruler and would withdraw its mandate, leading to the overthrow of that ruler. The Mandate of Heaven would then transfer to those who would rule best. The mere fact of a leader having been overthrown is itself indication that he has lost the Mandate of Heaven. -- Wikipedia.
A Ming Dynasty portrait of the Chinese official Jiang Shunfu (1453–1504). The Mandarin Square indicates that he was a civil official of the first rank.
"Fortress DC: New Capitol lockdown plan in works." It won't protect them from the righteous wrath of a victimized people, though. It is interesting, is it not, that they view themselves as deserving of more protection than the people they serve? In truth, this is not about Jihadis. This is about insulating the Mandarin class from the people they seek to rule, as even they begin to understand that they've lost the "Mandate of Heaven."


markofafreeman said...

Interesting. I'm just now in the midst of a debate with an Only-One with this kind of "LEOs need extra protection" attitude over at my place. Yet he still believes in "equality under the law." Talk about doublespeak.

bubba said...

I saw this in the news the other day and I immediately thought of the Green Zone in Baghdad. They know what they are doing, they know precisely the cost to the nation their actions exact, they know that millions of people do not properly appreciate their lord and ladyships.

SWIFT said...

While reading of the loss of legitimacy, I immediately thought of Rick Santorum. Once a Senator from Pennsylvania, he was voted out as he refused to listen to his consituents and voted however he wanted to. We withdrew our consent to be governed by him. Now he's back vying for the greatest seat of all. He was, and remains, one of those politicians who say to you, " go back to sleep and let me runs things". He believes in his heart of hearts that he knows best. Do not be deceived, if he is the Repub candidate in November, we've had it! His elitist views and arrogance are at least equal to Obama. You all may need to "withdraw your consent altogether" from either one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah this remind`s me of something ,how is work progressing on the new Fuehrerbunker we heard was being built on the White House ground`s?.

Anonymous said...
