Monday, November 28, 2011

A very important question from David Codrea: "How did Sen. Feinstein get ATF gun trace data in violation of Tiahrt Amendment?"

Persons within the Department of Justice whose identities are not yet publicly known apparently broke the law by leaking firearms trace data to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, which she introduced in the Senate Judiciary Committee record in the hearing on Department of Justice oversight earlier this month.


TinCan Assassin said...

As we always say in the gunblogger community, criminals don't care what the law says. This, by extension, includes criminals with badges and credentials.

Ashrak said...

This is no torpedo, this is a tactical nuke.

Diane has some serious 'splainin' to do......and so too will the dynamic duo if they do not pursue this to the fullest - starting with on camera comments first thing in the morning.

This is a good example of why there has been so much hush hush in the media, and in congress. Fo the more is said, the more 'laws' will be violated. Good. It serves the bastards right to be bitten, munched, eaten alive, by their own Frankenstein- like creation of infringements disguised as "gun control laws".

Jeff in Wacheeta said...

Don't ask questions you don't REALLY want to know the answers to. And by answers, I mean that she's above those pesky things we call laws, or amendments, and there isn't shit ANYONE can, or will do about it. Prove me wrong elected officials, prove me wrong.

WarriorClass said...

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, ... when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Anonymous said...

She didn't get it lying (no pun) on her back!

Anonymous said...

Now is the time for a grassroots effort to get this vile senator removed. Email your Senators and demand an investigation to support her expulsion from the Senate (only the Senate can expel a Senator). After all, Ms. Feinstein would glad see you imprisoned if you ignorantly violated some minor gun law. It's time for payback.