Thursday, July 15, 2010

More millions of our tax dollars at work, telling us how our tax dollars are at work.

You can't make this stuff up.


st0rm1n said...

Even more bizarre is the link on the page for this story:


Defender said...

May they break their arms patting themselves on the back.
Good to know who to blame for the traffic backups in the middle of nowhere as crews put out the orange cones to narrow three lanes to one and then DO NOTHING or else tear up perfectly good pavement to put down new.

Dakota said...

You know ...I watched the video and when the punch line came, I laughed and said those "fookers", and shook my head. Therein is the problem, we have been trained whether we realize it or not to do basically the same thing I did.

What we should be doing is something much more meaningful and to the "point". These assholes talk about millions of dollars as if it is "chump change". It aint their money .... so they don't give a shit.

Well now I gotta go find my damned blood pressure medicine!!

CorbinKale said...

"A time of the signs."

Sorry, I had to.

Anonymous said...

That sign appears to need shootin'...

Anonymous said...

The S.O.B.'s are actually proud of their tax feeder status, pitiful, just pitiful. I've seen these signs here in WY, disgusts me, and they have some w/out signage, but you can tell it must be stimulus funded, because the roads didn't even need it.
Wayne B.

Anonymous said...

That sign needs to be the canvas for our Threeper artwork.

Eric said...

Seems like a good place for one of my signs
