Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Two more from Herschel.

Sharia patrol in Austria.
How safe are police service weapons?


Anonymous said...

If guns can "go off" for absolutely no reason, all by themselves, then I must have the greatest, safest guns in the world because I've never, ever had one discharge all by it's lonesome self. Somebody's bullshittin'! Next he'll be telling me how a bullet can stop mid-flight and change direction..oops,my bad, they already done that - JFK's "magic bullet"..

Anonymous said...

Let's try inadequate training, laziness and stupidity. I saw it often when I was a Peace Officer.

Bad Cyborg said...

I wasn't even aware that a striker fired weapon COULD malfunction that way. My understanding of the striker firing mechanism is that it is functionally equivalent to a double action mechanism - i.e. you effectively "cock" the firing mechanism when you squeeze the trigger. All the slide does is remove the spent round and load a fresh one. All the energy applied to the firing pin comes from the shooter's finger unlike a single action mechanism where the energy to fire the weapon comes from the slide. In a single action mechanism something/someone has to cock the hammer. All the trigger does is release that energy already stored in the hammer spring. Likewise a striker fired mechanism requires the shooter to supply the energy to fire every round.

I have an Uzi Eagle (Jericho .40 marked directly in the U.S by IMI) which is single/double action. If the hammer is down, a lot more force is required to fire because you have to force the hammer back so it can fire. Once the hammer is cocked my Uzi Eagle requires a very light touch to release the hammer. It seems to me that firing my Glock is much like firing my Uzi Eagle from a hammer down condition. Except that the Glock takes the same amount of effort for every round where the Eagle only takes that much effort if the hammer is down. Am I correct or am I totally off in the weeds?

Ingot9455 said...

You are correct, Bad Cyborg, although your average Glock 'should' have a slightly lighter trigger pull than the first round of your average SA/DA pistol. But that will depend on what pistol and what you've done to it.

Police departments are known to keep a 'heavy' trigger on their Glocks in order to reduce the incidence of accidental shootings. But a long, heavy trigger pull makes for inaccurate shooting too.

But google up 'Glock leg syndrome' for comedy.