Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sieg heil. Another Nazi fanboy of St. Trump vents his impotent ad hominems.

In response to my post Harbinger below, another brave "Anonymous" helps me make my point. It is printed below in its entirety:
Yea, don't vote for Trump, vote for one of the Goldman Sachs backed candidates... I am sure that liar Cruz will really help our cause! Mike used to be a member of the Communist party... and probably still is... he likes to infiltrate the conservative militia movement then lead us astray.
Hitler was a nationalist, and a lot of the things they say about him was completely made up to demonize the man and his nationalist party. He was against gun control, the big banks, and for helping his (the German) people (you know the same stuff you guys claim to support)... yet he is demonized, even to this day (how long has the war been over?). And why is this? Because if you ever learned the truth of what happened to Germany, you would suddenly be awake to who is ruining America today...
Just google the story on that picture of the Nazi shooting the woman and child on his side column. In actuality, he is shooting past the woman and child, at communists, who were attempting to fire upon the Germans evacuating their kin. But don't expect the 'former' commie Mike V to tell you that. No, just remember, the Nazis are evil, and so is any other white person who loves their race and doesn't wish to see it destroyed. Oh, yea, and the Jews totally love you dumb goys. Keep fighting for Israel suckers! LOL
Google the 'long march through the institutions', only this communist didn't choose an institution, he choose the militia movement. Let's face it, Mike V, is leading you guys astray. You need to get behind a strong leader (And yes, I will admit Trump is not perfect, but who is?) who has the power to do something.
How many years has the militia movement been around? What have they accomplished? Just a bunch of headstrong wanna-be commandos in-fighting with each other, and doing dumb shit that doesn't gain much public support. And now a strong leader shows up, who can't be bought with Jew money, and he is demonized.... yes he isn't perfect, but this is the best chance to get someone sympathetic with our causes in the White House, and you got ass clowns like Mike V coming out against him, because god forbid he does more for you in 4 years, then the militia movement has done for us in 30 years....
But yea, I am co-intel pro, I am this, I am that.... you people are your own worst enemy. I am not using a VPN, I am not bothering to really hide my info, I am sure you can track me down, and the gov't definitely knows who I am. The gov't hates you Mike, and won't do shit to me, and neither will you Militia punks. Go clean your rifles one more time, and bury some more ammo... LOL.
But yea, Mike probably won't post this, just like he hasn't posted my other truthful comments (except for the one on March 6th), because he has an agenda to sell you people, and my thoughts can't be allowed to creep into the commentary.
Bottom line, Mike is a judas goat, and you people need to get behind Trump, because we don't have any more time for this shit.
But Mike won't have the balls to post this, just like he hasn't posted the vast majority of my other comments. Mike V is Bill Ayers biggest fan! So, the trolling will continue. Fuck you Mike V! May you rot in hell with your pals from the synagogue of satan!


Rusty Gunner said...

Free men don't need leaders, you gutless punk. Livestock need leaders -- or drovers. Be an actual man and think for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Is there any doubt that Trump will do very well with the haters and Nazi's voters, don't ya know!

ELLO said...

So.....the one candidate that elicits the "kill at all costs" response from the communists (Moveon, #bern supporters and Bill Ayers to name a few) is a Nazi?
Are you really thinking this through?
You might want to step away from the podium for a while; see what develops. We have a country to save, don't we?

Oregon Hobo said...

I dealt with plenty of these losers during my youth in California. 1 drop rule, right? That means my Jewish grandfather disqualifies me and all my kin from this particular fanclub coz all of us, including my 6 week old son, are part of the worldwide conspiracy and destined for the showers.

...and yes in fact I am cleaning my guns today. Thanks for caring.


Tony Walabiscuit said...

Golly... I'd say he doesn't know you all that well Mike. Contrary to his homoerotic fixation on your testicles, I gotta give you credit... It's gotta get tiring carrying balls that big around.
I think you've helped me to choose a new path... instead of matching their stupidity, crassness, and violent desires, just laugh at these clowns... until it's time to fight. Why waste the energy and effort on the impotent ramblings of the chicken hawks blustering themselves up into their self-righteous posturing? So thanks for the chuckle for posting this Mike. Haha! Teehee!

Anonymous said...

This loser is not really worth a post on its own. I made my thoughts known below in the original thread. For all the folk promoting Trump, you should look at his past actions over many years, not what he has said in the past one or two years. Much better measure of the man. As far as "Trump will do very well with the haters and Nazi's voters" that is a straw man argument. There are only one type seeking/wielding power. Fascist. Does not matter is you call them Nazis or haters or commies or socialist or Klansman or what ever. All are fascist. Nothing more, nothing less. Robert Heinlein said it best. Anyone seeking power should automatically be disqualified as unsuitable for holding power ( I think also shot).NOG

Timmeehh said...

So who is a reasonable alternative to Trump? Who is going to take control of the southern border? Who is going to deport the illegals? Who is going to hammer the moslem terrorists? Who can we trust?

Moe Death said...

Domino here. Bill's out buying stuff, mainly Chiky-Stix (I hope), so I decided to write. Anyone with half a brain (and that includes you hoomans... no offense), can see that this Tyrannosaurus Rump is a walking train wreck. His supporters don't seem too far off that mark, either.

Keep up the good work, Mike! Me and Bill (who even now is winging his way home with a truck full of Chiky-Stix!) are praying for you every night and twice on Sunday. I hear you are feeling better, and that makes me happy!

Excuse me now; I see the postman is coming and he's a real big fan of my Cujo imitation...


Anonymous said...

What a nazi asshole...

Chiu ChunLing said...

Flat-Earth theories are making a comeback too. The fact is, with a general breakdown in civilized discourse comes a splintering of public consensus about everything that is a matter of historical record or expert knowledge rather than directly accessible experience.

When people really start to question everything they've been taught by 'authority', most of them can't come up with particularly valid answers on their own. Which is why the assumption that it is the people in the ranks who win wars is as false as the assumption that it is the leadership. Leaders (at every level) are as integral to an army as are the men who have to carry out their orders, abolish either and you've just got a disorganized mob of guys acting on their own hook.

The same is true of a nation, though to a less regimented degree. That's why civil war breaks out, if everyone simply rejecting the illegitimate claims of the current authority were sufficient to produce a secure social order, humans would have no instinctive aversion to anarchy. Or, to put it otherwise, Prudence, indeed, would not dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience would not have shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

If people believing the earth is flat or disbelieving the crimes of the Nazis were the worst thing that happened from overthrowing existing 'authorities', I would be grateful indeed.

Anonymous said...

About that photo from Ivanhorod on the right side of the page. Im not too convinced it is depicting the mother and child getting shot. What you see there is a cropped photo of an original. If you look at the original there are more people in it and they seem more afraid of something in front of them then what is behind them. The woman and child seem closer to the camera and the three rifles arent really pointing at either them or the other people who are ducking in the photo. But, who knows. Not all is as it is portrayed.

Chiu ChunLing said...

The title says it almost all (it's in the URL, except that "Civil War" replaces "Establishment"), but I have my own take on this. Trump was planning to divide "the conservative base" from the party establishment all along, it has been his game every time. This time he has been far more successful than he anticipated, and is currently focused on finding ways to divide the conservative base against itself (be aware, political theorists--such as myself ;D--are not part of the base, conservative or not).

But the fact remains, the establishment isn't making war on Trump so much as the rabidly anti-establishment rabble (and I decided against using scare quotes, because frankly they are) threatening their control over the party. And it's not just the establishment that resorts to attacking Trump's 'supporters' rather than Trump himself.

This is a tragic mistake. The rabble will not forgive those now attacking them soon, or perhaps ever. And while some of them are the very kind of cretinous (forgive me, oh people of Cretan ancestry) lunatics (forgive me, oh people who adore the beauty of the Moon) who are highlighted to discredit them all by association, those who are not have a right to feel betrayed by such unfair characterizations. In a nation of hundreds of millions, there are aberrants in every category...and skeletons in every closet.

I don't succumb to the delusion that victory through the current corrupt political process is possible or even desirable. I see no merits in lining up behind Trump in some vain hope that he would be a realistic means of defeating Hillary (even if I didn't know for certain that he would lose on purpose, nothing about his actions or the national situation suggests it would actually be possible to win without resorting to naked vote fraud ourselves, and that would only provoke the violent contest politics supposedly exists to avert). But I do see a need to stop attacking everyone who is against the establishment.

Attack Trump. Point out that he is a liar and a fraud and a fake and a progressive, like all the other politicians. Or just point out that he has no chance in hell of legitimately winning and actually "making America great". Tell people that they shouldn't be putting their faith in any man, especially that one (I even prefer Romney, he's completely delusional but at least he's honestly batshit insane enough to think that God will miraculously save America by openly divine intervention if a Mormon is in the White House--do not ask me where this notion comes from because I simply have not been able to figure it out).

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump views rights as something government issues permission slips for.
Yeah, that is what all tyrants impose, before they deny permission!

You know who is supporting Trump? Democrats and their media. That's who.
Nobody would attack Donald at the debate, and he was left without substance, left to bluster his talking points but unable to talk coherently beyond the generalized platitudes. Trump was rattled lke a can of spray paint in a railroad car yard.

So the very next day, an attack upon him had to be arranged. The left, the communists, WANT Donald and his communist progressive tax code. They will do anything to get him put in place.

But take a look in Wyoming, where Democrats could not infect and pollute the vote....Trump got smacked down to a measly 5 percent! Think about that folks - 5%.
The Trump train is in a slow motion derailment and as it goes further off the rails, the pathetic intellectual lightweights will get more frazzled. They will act out in ways just like that post. They will make any and every claim trying to piss people off to bait them away from exposing the fraud Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

There are some very interesting parallels between pre-WW2 Germany, and where we find the United States today. Germany had the NAZIs or Communists to choose from as the establishment had screwed Germany up (along with the punishment from the rest of the world after WW1). We have both a Nationalist (Trump) and a Socialist/Communist (Sanders) running popular campaigns with cult like followings. Both are deemed anti-establishment candidates. Hitler (from the average German perspective)just wanted what was best for Germany, much like Trump says he wants what's best for America. Hitler blamed the Jews, English, French and establishment for Germany's woes, Trump blames Islam, Mexico, China and the establishment for our current woes. I am sure Hitler in his own way told Germans that they were getting "ripped off" and taken advantage of by the rest of the world and that the current leadership were all idiots. Trump wants to start a worldwide trade war. Trade wars tend to lead to real wars. I can see the guy's point, but I don't reach the same conclusion that Trump is the right choice for POTUS.

Anonymous said...

He probably didn't post your other comments b/c you're obviously a racist fuck. Why give shit heads like you a sounding board for your hate?

Anonymous said...

Ever have the suspicion that you are being used?

Dakota said...

Where do these dimwits come from? Kind of reminds me of the pinheads who cannot see what happened in Oregon. One thing is for sure ..... this election is going to divide this country further and perhaps destroy it. Seems like I had a very wise friend of ours tell me that "nothing in politics happens by accident". Pretty sure you know who that was/is.... Also "who gains"? Not a big Trump fan, but can't be as bad as Hillary or Bernie can he?

I pray for you daily old friend....

Allen said...

meh. trump. cruz. clinton. sanders.

we're all still screwed, it just changes how fast the bus is going over the cliff, and which end of the bus you're sitting on.

Anonymous said...

I like Trump. Time for a bussinessman and not "business as usual".

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 8:54
The situation in Wyoming is due to GOP control over the caucuses. There is no popular vote. The party itself gets a 50% share of the vote right off the top and their candidate is of course Cruz. Add that to the massive fraud and you get the results that you see. I went to my caucus. The vast majority of the people at my table wanted Trump. Yet somehow our vote went to Cruz. Im not at all happy with what went on and many other people I know arent either. We could accept an honest vote for Cruz or Rubio but what went on was outright fraud and cannot be accepted at all.

Anonymous said...

Bottom-line, Cruz knows he will never be nominated. He has already worked out his deal with the Bush family. DOJ will resist any indictment of Hillary regardless of evidence. Biden is in the wings if this fails. If Trump is not the nominee on the first delegate roll call, the GPO will draft either Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney. Sorry for the anonymous post. It is necessary.

There is no 8 state win requirement for GOP nomination. This rule expires before the first delegate roll call.

Anonymous said...

Vlad Tepes saved the Balkans from the Turks.

Lenin saved the Russians from the Kerensky train wreck.

Hitler saved Germany from the communists.

Castro saved the Cubans from the Batista dictatorship.

Trump is going to save us from whom?

And who is going to save us from Trump?


Trump might be like bad breath. Better than at least one alternative -- no breath at all.

Anonymous said...

I've heard enough

Anonymous said...

How obama sowed the seeds for the violence at Trump rallies

Anonymous said...

Mike, I am sorry you're having to put up with Crap like this, especially at a point in time when you really have much better things to do. So in that spirit and for St. Patricks Day -

May the road rise to meet you, may the winds be always at your back, the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may god hold you (and yours) in the palm of his hand.

Keep it up as long as it keeps you going, then kick my generation in the ass and hand it off.


MikeH. said...

Two faced or too many faces. Not a single one of the candidate hermaphrodites has an interest in doing the right thing for America. There is no voting for the lesser of two evils when they are all equally evil.


Anonymous said...

Army boss takes aim at bureaucracy over sidearm choices

Anonymous said...

Cancer wins again.

adios, mofo

Anonymous said...

Mike I have read your blog for a long time but
my vote will be for Trump!

Trump 2016!

Anonymous said...

Not a huge fan of Trump, but just look at how scared the CFR elites are of the man. That is enough to really make me think. When was the last time Soros and the GOP elites agreed about anything publicly? (Privately may indeed be an entirely different matter) Funny thing is that we're too far down the road, and coming back will take a miracle from the hand of God. I don't see that happening, because HE is probably more than a little ticked right now at us to the tune of 60 million people that don't exist and a few other major things which I will leave up to you to figure out. Beans and bullets, and a lot of prayer, and I don't have a lot of faith in the beans and bullets.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a dyed in the wool Capitalist. How could that be wrong in the face of all those socialist tyrannicals?

Anonymous said...

Trump is far from perfect. I really wish he would at least exercise a little bit of mouth control and not say what is 100% on his mind all the time. However, the point made earlier sticks with me. That CFR elites are scared of him and demonizing him like crazy. That makes me think that I should be for Trump. The enemy of my enemy is my friend or at least may be my friend.

ELLO said...

You're wrong on Trump. You may not like him, but he's the best hope for our country.
The ONLY other candidate that is worth anything at all is Cruz, but he's ineligible to be CIC.

Anonymous said...

I'm saddened that the "best" chance to win against Clinton or Sanders is Trump. I have a lot of problems with him. I identify as a Conservative, a Christian, and a small-government supporter, and I don't believe that the Donald is any of those.
I fear, however, that any other option put forward by the republican party (small R intentional) will result in something exponentially worse than what this country has experienced in the last 8 years because at this point any option other than Trump will result in a landslide victory for the cackling harpy or the marxist.
And I fear, even more, that the remaining few decades of what life I have left will be spent voting for the lesser of two evils, rather than a candidate that lives and breathes the standards that once made us a shining example, rather than a tarnished memory.

Anonymous said...

If Trump is so patriotic and really wanted to make America great again, why would he contribute to all the scumbags in Washington like Schumer and Clinton over the course of his whole life instead of contributing to conservatives ? Donald Trump could give a rats ass about our country and our Constitution which buy (not a typo) the way HE NEVER MENTIONS. Donald has plenty of money and is surrounded with anything and everything money can buy, including politicians,so what is he lacking? When a man with that much money wants the highest office in the land, It's ALL ABOUT CRAVING POWER! You people think this president acts like a king now? Just wait, you aint seen nothin yet.

Chiu ChunLing said...

I think that this is the fundamental problem I have with Trump bashers...this nonsense about Trump "craving power" (and sexual satisfaction, personal servants, sycophants, etc., of course) because, as a famous billionaire, he's never been able to buy it (on the cheap, even).

The logical disconnect is so gaping that I cannot explain it except as an exercise in psychological projection. And this seriously worries me, because it isn't just people who I can understand feeling deprived of power who succumb to this tendency.

I don't approve of what Trump's doing or who he is. But I do recognize that he has gotten everything he ever wanted out of life pretty easily, and it isn't just because he's wealthy and famous but also because he's shrewd and both affable and reasonable when he's not playing "toxic extremist" in public (I actually feel a little pity for him being stuck in the role so much more than he was planning, it's obviously wearing on him, but given I think that he really deserves to be shot in both kneecaps for what he's done I'll hold off on feeling actually sorry for him).

Trump doesn't crave power. He just doesn't, he's always been able to buy as much of it as he wanted and doesn't know what it's like to not have any but desperately want it. He looks at the anger in his 'supporters' eyes and it confuses and frightens him. Fortunately (for everyone, really), he knows how to lose the nomination (or the election, if it comes to that) and blame it on someone else. He's done a good job solidifying the #NeverTrump block even while encouraging it to profess horror at the violence of "the extreme right".

And that last bit is more than one kneecap worth of his sins.

Sleinagain said...

It is that kind of fanatical follower that would give any candidate a bad name, now multiply that by I don't know say 10,000 who knows. I am not a Trumpster but go ahead a look at anything I have ever written and never have I ever posted such a fanatical rant against Trump or for my pick.
It is about issues, policies and solutions. will I vote for him if he is the last man standing? yes because a bag of crap covered rocks is better than the Bernster. Hillary or any other Socialist the tyrants put up.
If you are that much over the edge get some Jim Jones cool aide and increase the worlds IQ.