Thursday, November 26, 2015

The ugly truth about "humanitarian" immigrants.

"The problems in Tärnsjö started when migrants . . . began throwing stones at cars as they passed. Locals retaliated, and threw stones back."


Chiu ChunLing said...

Hmmm...they really took their time getting around to mentioning that, didn't they?

Of course, it is more accurate to say that the problems started when Koranic Islam decided to divide up the world into dar al-Islam dar al-Harb centuries ago.

Steve Kristmann said...

"Of course, it is more accurate to say that the problems started when mohammed, the child raping, mass murdering false prophet and desert bandit decided to divide up the world into dar al-Islam dar al-Harb centuries ago."

There, fixed it for ya!

Yours in non islamic Liberty!
Steve Kristmann III

Anonymous said...

Obama Administration Threatens States to Admit Syrian Refugees or Face ‘Enforcement Action’