Friday, May 29, 2015

Departing Wyoming for the Beaver state.

Beaver? Will post very much later this evening. There's a minimum of 14 hours before we sleep.


Anonymous said...

VERY relieved to see a post.
Was beginning to be concerned for your safety after no show, no call last night.
Travel safely.

Anonymous said...

VERY relieved to see a post.
Was beginning to be concerned for your safety after no show, no call last night.
Travel safely.

Arthur said...

Oh, right. Beaver.

I read that as 'Badger' and thought, "Man, but you need a new navigator". :P

Anonymous said...

Beaver? Because it's run by a bunch of liberal PUSSIES!

Anonymous said...

This isn't the right place for this, but Mike doesn't have anything posted on Dennis Hastert yet. Some years ago, I read a story about how Hastert, in his unique position to see what the future holds for the National Highway System, took note of future plans in his home state for a new highway. Call it 'insider' information. He runs home and buys thousands of acres of seemingly useless isolated land...right along the path where he knew this new future highway was going in. When the project got started, and land was being purchased by the Federal Government for highway right-of-way, Hastert makes a fortune selling land he bought for almost nothing...because it was so isolated.
I don't know what kind of laws were broken, but I'm sure some were. Now we hear that he might have been a pedophile child molester and was paying someone to keep quiet..and lying to the FBI when questioned about suspicious cash withdrawals. The money was probably being drawn from his under the table land deals.

It's funny how if you notice someone making unfair gains, it means they would likely be breaking other laws too.

What is it they say in Washington? Never get caught with a dead girl or a live boy.

Mitch Rapp said...

You are a plow horse for the cause, Mike. I dearly hope the good lord let's us keep you for a while longer.