Saturday, March 21, 2015

What really pisses them off is that they made a power play against Bibi and lost.

White House Antagonism Toward Netanyahu Grows.


PO'd American said...

I guess if words matter, then more people (low Infos) should start listening and understanding the $hit that comes out of Oblather's cork hole.

Anonymous said...

What do...
Hussein, SPLC, D-azi Party, NYC Jews, JStreet, Black Community, Eric Holder, Jessy Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farahkhan, Soros, Liberal Jews of Israel and the Euro/Russian Nazi Party all have in Common.

"Hitler just got caught, it's not that he was wrong"

This is the same crowd that is currently running amok/Dismantling the USA!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Israel attacks and defeats Iran's corrupt bullshit government. I know an Iranian who is here on a student visa. He hates the Iranian government, but pretends to be a "good" Muslim when he goes there to visit because he doesn't want to be put in prison and hanged. He says most Iranians hate their government. I tell him the Iranian people need to be armed and overthrow their government. He agrees that the first thing tyrants do is disarm their people. Hopefully, we Americans are smart enough to keep that from happening.

Anonymous said...

Let's all pray that this run of 'luck' extends through November 2016.

ag42b said...

Of course. Barry can not abide anyone who stands up to him.

Israel has been a valued ally for years, give or take a little intelligence gathering.

Barry's missteps with Israel will cost the Dems votes in the next election. No wonder he wants to bring in hordes of illegals to replace lost constituents.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that the internal white house position is that after Iran nukes Israel, Netanyahu's position on a two state solution won't matter much. What will remain to be seen is the Democrat Party's relationship with America's liberal Jewish community after the second near annihilation of the world's Jews in a generation.

Anonymous said...

I think BiBi just flipped off Obummer. Good for him, now it's time for the rest of us to flip off Obummer and tell him to go back to Kenya.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a narcissistic SOB who greatly values the fact that he is the FIRST "black" President. Rush Limbaugh said the reason OBAMA is against the Hildabeast becoming President is that she would also be a FIRST (woman) President. Obama's ego couldn't stand someone else being a "first". At least, that's Limbaugh's opinion.

- Old Greybeard

Toastrider said...

What blew my mind was how clumsy it was. Everyone knew it, and did he really expect the Israelis to just shrug and say 'Oh well'?