Thursday, March 26, 2015

Conflation alert. Collectivist wets his pants over the Three Percent. "If you think ISIS is our greatest threat, think again."

Conflation occurs when the identities of two or more individuals, concepts, or places, sharing some characteristics of one another, seem to be a single identity — the differences appear to become lost. In logic, it is the practice of treating two distinct concepts as if they were one, which produces errors or misunderstandings as a fusion of distinct subjects tends to obscure analysis of relationships which are emphasized by contrasts. -- Wikipedia.
SPLC-inspired conflation lies: Three Percent equals sovereign citizen equals methamphetamine-fueled LVPD snitch cop-killers like the Millers.
This comment from the author "21st Century Pacifist," is instructive:
Under any definition opposing the Federal government when implementing the law of the land and doing it as an armed force is sedition. In any other country in the world the vigilantes at Clark County would have been killed for opposing the legal government of their country. To do so in the tradition of the open land principles of the XIX century is even more odious.
Ironic application of "pacifism" to use lies to solicit government violence against your own people, no?


TheBohunk said...

"Death squads"

LOL. Where is that Dr. Evil meme when ou need it?

Anonymous said...

The author can go live in "any other country" then. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

"In any other country"????, well we're not in "Any other country" we're in the United States where the government exists and SERVES at the pleasure of the people, NOT the people existing at the pleasure of the government.

I truly wish ISIS would show up and do its thing here for a while and give these people who compare American citizens to ISIS a little taste of reality.

The only thing I can think of to conflate these people with is the occupants of a grave yard because that's where they've all ended up throughout history(at the hands of the government they supported to protect them).....and yet they still haven't learned their lesson.

ISIS huh? They'll be here soon on it.

Sean said...

Pacifists are funny people. They want to be unarmed, and non-confrontational. And they get lots of people killed in the process, including themselves. So what is it pacifists want? Oh yeah, peace. Well, the peace of the grave is a good as any, except life.

Anonymous said...

The South and Central American version of ISIS is already here. Broken arrow, I say again Broken Arrow!

The blue collar labor market has been transferred to the mexi's and latams. Their crime problems came here with them. We the people need to wake the fuck up.

the Plinker said...

I hope he did pee his skivvies -- it can't smell any worse than the stink of his rotten ideology.

Anonymous said...

They have only seen armed civil disobedience so far ... keep beating the government force drum and God forbid they see armed uncivil disobedience ...

The Bundy Ranch episode, Washington State, Cook County and the 100 Heads concept is understood by them and it all constipates them!


Anonymous said...

"the legal government of your country?" My God. A "legal" US government wouldn't have snipers trained on civilians. A "legal" US government WOULDN'T BE PROMULGATING FANTASIES LIKE "FEDERAL LAND," or engaging in tyrannical actions like gun control, or Muslim-pushing, or militarizing the police force...

Those who support this regime will rue the day, when that very regime turns on them. And it will.

Anonymous said...

"Former EPA....." that's about as far as you need to read about the author. Just another statist shill.

Anonymous said...

That was all propaganda for the brain-dead..Millers didn't stand at Bundy ranch as they were denied entrance, and everyone in America is supposed to be "sovereign", as per court opinion after court opinion (too many to even list here). If anyone thinks this federal gov't is doing things the way the Founders envisioned them, then they better flush out their headgear