Sunday, March 22, 2015

Cities using work permit aliens to enforce gun edicts and laws against citizens

With increased militarization of police, and with “[m]any cities ... reducing the minimum standards to attract candidates,” a primary concern leaders sworn “to secure the Blessings of Liberty” ought to guard against is the presence of de facto foreign troops enforcing gun bans and disarming Americans on U.S. soil. It's fair to ask if this is what the Framers really had in mind when they recognized what was "necessary to the security of a free State."


Anonymous said...

This is going to end well.
Its getting more insane asylum like everyday!!!

Dr.D said...

It seems more akin to the Roman empire using foreign troops to fill it's army's ranks. Troops who eventually turned against their employer......


Anonymous said...

News from the 'Stan (Connectistan)

Bridgeport receives 2,000 applications for police officer jobs

"I want to thank the Bridgeport Guardians and the Bridgeport Hispanic Society for their support," Mayor Bill Finch said Sunday.

"Together, we have worked to recruit the best candidates and a diverse group of future officers who will reflect the community and keep our kids and families safe," Finch said.

Glenn Koch said...

Every day the politicians in Washington push the United States closer and closer to armed insurrection. All that is needed is a spark. American citizens will only be pushed so far, foreign nationals filling the ranks of the police just might be that sparks.

Anonymous said...

Just doing those jobs Americans won't do....

Anonymous said...

Got to have people who can pull the trigger against American Patriots don't ya know!

What stinkin constitution?

Anonymous said...

If your just starting to prepare now , your late, but.... Better late than never...right?
BUT.. If you are just starting to Train...
Your most likely in the way or just fodder and perhaps you should consider working from the inside of the Constitutional Traitors for U.S.
Spies are all around....for all reasons
Just saying..

Anonymous said...

OK, it's late, and maybe my brain is fuzzy...

1. How can anyone swear to uphold the law of a foreign country, a place where he didn't grow up and isn't familar with?

2. If he DOES give an oath, what obligation does a non-citizen, foreign national have to fulfill it?

Is there any precedent for this?