Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Proposed HIPAA privacy rule on gun background checks open for comments

An advance notice of proposed rulemaking by the Office for Civil Rights Department of the Department of Health and Human Services titled “HIPAA Privacy Rule and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System” was published yesterday in the Federal Register.


carlwk3c said...

"Psychiatry" (as practiced by compliant lackeys) has been used by tyrants throughout history as an excuse to disarm, imprison, "disappear", and murder political opponents.

SWIFT said...

I responded in their comments section. I told them that I felt the DOJ was too corrupt of an agency to share my health records with. I further stated that I felt the whole policy had a hidden agenda. But, as everyone knows, these public comment periods are just window dressing, to make the public think they have a say in government. They will do just as they damn well please. But then, so will I.

Anonymous said...

Might I add that this is all part of the communist takeover, CONTROL The food, the health care ,the weapons (use of force) and the children and you have done the ground work for tyranny. May I also say that communism is nothing more than the god kingship of old dressed in newish robes. Protest and gestures will no longer do anything to free us . Terrorisim benefits no one but the state. So what shall we do?--Ray

bob57 said...

HIPAA is a lie. It is already possible to access someone's complete medical record simply by signing a business partnership agreement with the healthcare provider. So the real question is: why are the HIPAA rules being publicly changed? That's the real story.

theirritablearchitect said...

So HIPAA privacy law isn't very, you know, private.

Sharpening the blades tonight.