Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flash: FOX News just covered Gunwalker in a piece I wasn't able to see. David and I become "other sources."

Said to be good, including Grassley and Terry family. Larry Pratt is going to be doing a panel on the Megyn Kelly babe show on FOX at 1:45 Eastern that was supposed to be about Traver nomination and now will likely focus on Gunwalker.

LATER: WOW! Larry Pratt did us proud! I'll post the video of both pieces when I can. GOA will have a Congressional Briefing Paper on Gunwalker posted on their website by this afternoon. I will post the link when I have it.

Pardon me, now, while I say a thanksgiving prayer to the Lord.

Here's the link on the first FOX piece: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4545747/are-obama-dems-encouraging-illegal-activity#/v/4550036/exclusive-family-of-murdered-border-agent-speaks-out/?playlist_id=87937

Here's the video:

And thanks to Kurt Hofmann, here's another link: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/02/22/agent-brian-terry-policy-silence/

STILL LATER: From the Hofmann link --

However, other sources say that's exactly what happened, knowingly or not. Not all agencies let ‘guns walk' in order to lead to higher-ups. Precisely for fear the guns will be used in crimes.

"Other sources," hmmm. I wonder who they could be?


tommy atkins said...

I saw the "trailer" for it just as I left for work. They played a recording of the slain agents mother saying out loud that "There is a coverup", and she wants to know what they are covering up. It is about time Faux news got moving on this. Great Job both to you and David on this. I just might get out my popcorn ....

Anonymous said...

watched it. Megan wanted NOTHING to do with gunwalker because, "the ATF isn't here to defend themselves"...

Anonymous said...

I heard this on the FOX news via XM was not able to see it. Way to go Mike, you be the MAN.
Now, let's see if any of the libs pick this up or just say nada...

Kurt "45superman" Hofmann said...

Don't see video yet, but found this.

BrianF said...

In the article Kurt points to, you and David are now officially "other sources"

Pericles said...

Larry hit it out of the park - great job!

Anonymous said...

Latest News
Exclusive: Family of Murdered Border Agent Speaks Out


Anonymous said...

I saw the video and the Will LaJunesse piece. He covered it pretty well. Megan Kelly later had an NRA spokesman on to discuss why the opposition to Tarver for BATF Director. The spokesman (can't remember his name) brought up the GunWalker story as reason for the delay in the Committee hearing. Kelly shut him down and said the segment wasn't about GunWalker but about the opposition to the appointment. Good on the spokesman for bringing up Gunwalker.

Dedicated_Dad said...

"guns walk" -- gotta love it!

It's maddening you guys get no credit, but... at least the story is being told!

Scott J said...

If it's made FOX maybe Glenn Beck will finally pick it up.

Uncle Al said...

I think Mike and David are "other sources" because the on-air types were leery of trying to pronounce Codrea and terrified of Vanderboegh! (-:

By the way, just how is Vanderboegh pronounced?

Alvie D. Zane said...

Are all of you leaving a comment on the FoxNews story that links back to the Journalist's Guide?

You should.

That story has 435 comments that by default scroll from the most recent on down.

If this thing is going to get bigger, it needs help. Help it.

Anonymous said...

What the other sourses said lord, ditto, and thank you.