Monday, January 4, 2010

Someone should tell Al Gore. . .

Drudge Report Headlines This Morning:

East Coast Faces Deep Freeze; Florida Oranges Threatened...


Iowa temps 'a solid 30 degrees below normal'...

Peru's mountain people 'face extinction because of cold conditions'...

Beijing -- coldest in 40 years...

World copes with Arctic weather...



Sean said...

But not as cold as those dead brain cells in Al Gores' head.

Anonymous said...

This might not be the place to say this, but:

Climate *change* happens. All the time. Been happening as long as there's been weather.

Humans affect the climate too. Kinda hard to argue that we don't, given our total output of pollutants and the effects of farms, dams, mines, factories, roads, cities and other human activities that we can see with our own eyes.

There's a good argument to be made for careful cost/benefit analysis of anthropogenic climate change with the goal of mitigating its nastier effects. Like, would building taller seawalls or dikes cost more or less than the damage rising sea levels would cause in a given city or area?

Carbon credits, global-warming-as-religion, externally imposed bureaucratic mandates and all the rest of the craziness normally associated with this topic doesn't *help* as far as I can see.

This is a shame, because this is a potentially huge problem, and it's become virtually impossible to discuss in a reasoned, meaningful fashion.

Of course, maybe that's the *goal*. <grin>

Anonymous said...

Uh,'s called winter and it happens every year whether you are political thinking or not.

RJMcKee said...

I was taught never to argue with an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Gore the fire breathing jackass may actually be stupid enough to believe all the nonsense he pukes but those behind it know it is contrived because they're the ones who contrived it. It's all about control and just one of the tentacles of the NWO octopus.

Flavet said...

I believe Al Gore's caring response would be in the best tradition of the London stage: "I've got mine, Jack. S***w you all."

aughtsix said...

I have six inches of Glow Bull Worming outside the window as I type!

Gore cares nothing for the truth. The whole AGW thing is a scam on several levels both political and economic- in short, just another way to steal Liberty and property.

Treason, or piracy, and should be dealt with accordingly.



III more than them said...

Ole Al would pick from his list of pre-approved retorts and say, "It's because of Global Warming that we have Local Cooling. You see, it's the warming that alters the jet stream which changes local patterns."

The bass-turd has all kinds of excuses that make him multiple millions of dollars.

jon said...

i don't know what everybody's complaining about. it was only 27F this afternoon and hardly any wind at all, down on the heel of cape cod. maybe overnight when it gets windy it starts to actually get cold, like -10F. where's that valley forge spirit, folks? :)

Anonymous said...

Please have a look at this:

and then:

I don't know who these guys are or what they're about, but the material was certainly interesting.


Anonymous said...

mentions the Joyce Foundation in conjunction with the Algore / Golden Sack -owned carbon credit trading exchange. Now where have I heard of these critters before... oh yeah:
