Friday, December 11, 2009

Bob Wright's speech to Tea Partiers in El Paso.


This is another hard-hitting speech from Bob Wright, Ist BDE New Mexico Militia and former Minuteman.



I have concluded that the best way to format this “report” is in the form of a personal letter to you.

As we discussed, I was invited to address a group in the El Paso/Las Cruces area. This invitation was the result of one of the members of this group hearing me address the gathering in Mountainair back in September. The member who invited me told me he wanted my talk to his group to be as hard hitting as the one he had heard up north.

The Group I addressed appeared to be of higher economic strata than typically attends.

I started with a quote from, von Clausewitz, about he necessity of knowing what kind of war one was actually fighting. How one must not try to make the war fit your theories, but rather base strategy on what the war really is. I told them it would be helpful to first look at where we had come from before we started plotting a course forward. I started off with my history, it seemed to get their attention when I pointed out that I was one of a handful of men who had actually led hundreds of armed men on real missions in defiance of a President. That gave me an insight into many aspects of this movement that others don’t have. I walked the group through the evolution of the movement from the ‘70’s survivalists to the early neo militias of the ‘70’s and 80’, thru the height of the Militia movement of the ‘90’s.

I talked about the rise of the Minutemen in defiance of George W. Moved on over to the angry and strident advocacy of the tea party rallies and town hall confrontations of the summer. I pointed out that the Minutemen were successful in achieving their goal of bringing illegal immigration to the forefront of American Politics BECAUSE of their defiance. Same with the Tea Party/ Town Hall effectively stopping the Obama administration and forcing this ridiculous farce we see now. The point I hammered home was it is only when we start trying to go mainstream or get to thinking we need to be polite that we become impotent.

I then moved into Just standing up and being insistent was not enough. We had to find others to stand up with us. We needed to be able to put 500 People on the State house steps with 48hrs notice. We need to unite. I then observed that our movement historically has been unable to unite. Told them how at the last “Patriot Summit” I had attended, no one came to Unite, rather had come to have everyone unite behind their particular cause.

I then began the argument that a return to Constitutional Governance could Unite the “Patriots” of this country. The Constitution is the only thing that covers all the reasons for anger.

“We can spend the rest of our lives fighting these one hundred different fronts. Or we can realize that no matter what your issue is, be it 2nd Amendment, Land Rights, Health Care, Cap and Trade, Children’s Protective Issues, Taxes, the Federal Reserve, or whatever. Each of these issues had the same root cause. That cause is a Federal Government who has ignored the limits placed on them by the Constitution. The Government we suffer under is a usurper Government. An illegitimate body operating outside all legal boundaries established at this government’s founding.

We can continue to stand apart in sullen indifference to those fellow patriots who are focused on a different usurpation than we, or we can UNITE behind that Constitution. All patriots recognize that document as the essential foundation of what it means to be American. (At this time, someone made a smart assed comment about the birth certificate controversy and I diverted some what and said, ”Look, I agree something is fishy about the document, however never fall into the trap that being American is solely a matter of geography. One could be born in Independence Hall on the fourth of July. But, if he doesn’t have certain key beliefs, he is not really an American. Those key beliefs are enshrined in those two essential documents: The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States.) I then used that to segue back into the talk about uniting with other Patriots behind the Constitution.

I then said, “People like to throw around that word revolution…. Sounds so…dangerous maybe a little sexy. But the truth is the American People are the Government. Clearly those people we picked to be our representatives to the National Government have stopped listening to their employers. The clear message on Amnesty sent by the American people…by YOU, the clear message sent on this Healthcare debacle… by YOU. Same, same Cap and Trade, Gun Control, Gay Marriage and a plethora of other issues made clear, by the American people, what their will was, and completely ignored by our representatives.

I submit to you tonight that REVOLUTION has come to Our Republic. That, it is the Government who now stands in OPEN ARROGANT REBELLION TO IT’S PEOPLE. They have made it CLEAR that they do not represent us anymore. Remember this, if you remember nothing else. The elitist conservative Republican Senator has far more in common with, and will identify far more with an elite Liberal Democrat Senator than he will ever identify with you!
If this Republic is to be saved, it will not be saved by the very bureaucrats who seek to destroy it. If the Republic is to be saved, it must be saved by YOU! You working in unison with other Patriots who are committed to seeing the Constitution returned to its place of Supremacy.

The next point is critical. How far should we go in order to restore Constitutional Government? We must make them understand, with no room for confusion that we are prepared to go to ANY length to restore the Republic. We are ready to undertake ANY hardship, complete ANY unpleasant task, endure any retribution, and turn our energies, our creativity, our devotion to all tasks, no matter how repugnant, that insure our children and grand children inherit the same birthright we inherited.”

One of the more popular quotes from our founders is the, “We Pledge Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honors”. A dramatic statement oft repeated by Patriots everywhere, but what does that pledge really mean?

I pledge my Life…. most think what that means is they are willing to die for Liberty. However, that pledge means so much more. What that pledge really means is, you dedicate your life to that cause. It is not about dying folks, its about LIVING for the cause…. Living for liberty. Every day, is another day to battle those who seek to deny us, that which is ours by birthright, and we should REJOICE in that battle! We should not dread it or fear it or resent it. Whole generations go by in boredom and mediocrity, denied a chance to prove the greatness of their generation. We have been blessed to live in a time where greatness is what the time demands. Thank God that you are going to be part of that greatness. We know our cause is right, we know our cause is just and in accordance with both law and history. We know that we must not fail, for failure has consequences far beyond our temporal existence. Our failure will punish countless generations in every corner of the globe, not just our own beautiful republic.

I Pledge My Fortune… most of us think our “fortune” may be seized by a tyrannical government or “I’ll buy a really expensive weapon and a lot of MRE’s, and that will be my commitment on fortune. Yes, you can do that. No one will compel you to do any thing else. However, if we use our founders pledge as the standard this pledge means so much more than the example I just gave. What the pledge meant to our founders was their fortunes were now at the disposal of the “cause”. Most of us have read the e-mail that goes around about what happened to those who made that original pledge.
Read that and you get an idea what that pledge really means. The original pledges stripped their plantations of supplies and horses and gave to the cause. That would be comparable to you giving one of your cars to the cause, a spare computer, most of your savings, and because those plantations were the original pledges source of income, you would donate most of your paycheck to the cause, as well.

But no one will compel you to fulfill this pledge, or regulate to what level you have to fulfilled it. That is up to you and your conscience. But even now, in the back of your mind there is a hope that SOMEONE is building a resistance. Subconsciously, you pray that should our political efforts fail that there are hard men out there ready to do the hard things necessary to preserve our way of life. But… are you ready to support those hard men as they build the skills and logistical tail that will be necessary?? Are you ready to commit your fortune to putting beans in the belly and bullets in the bandoleers of those hard men we fantasize are out there... somewhere???

Our Sacred Honors: Honor is a word that has lost favor in the modern world. It’s meaning as it relates to the founders is lost on a land of relativism and public education. So, with your indulgence I will tell you what this means to me. If I willingly take this pledge, then how do I honorably fulfill that pledge? I believe that first I must remain focused on the cause I have pledged myself to. Next, every aspect of my life must be filtered through that pledge. Do I take vacation to Vail/Cabo, or do I spend my vacation at the rally in Santa Fe, or working a Minuteman line in Arizona, or training a Unit from Alabama or Texas?? Keeping the pledge in mind what is the “Honorable” thing to do?? When I do any self-assessment I must judge everything about myself as to how it relates to this great cause. Have I done all I can do? Did I handle the meeting with another group well? Did I keep the success of the cause foremost in my mind when dealing with a difficult patriot, or did I allow ego, or impatience to over ride? Because I have willingly made this pledge, I MUST judge myself by how well I serve that cause.

In addition, I expect to be judged by my peers, fellow patriots, family and friends by the same criteria. And most important I believe that this Nation and the Liberty we enjoy are gifts from a benevolent God. It follows then, that even as I face the judgment seat of the Majesty of Heaven, my dedication to that pledge will be factored.

I concluded shortly after, and the floor was opened for questions. During this period, someone in the crowd asked, “How it was that the Government thought they could get away with it”. Fixing the group with as stern a visage as I could manage, speaking softly and bringing my voice up in tenor and tempo as I spoke, I said: ”They spit in the face of our God and declared OUR GOD unfit to be in our schools, and WE DID NOTHING!!

They have turned our women away from our homes and our children and transformed them into some perverse version of some oversexed Junior High kid’s fantasies. And WE DID NOTHING!!

They take our tax money and hire perverts to come into our schools and tell our male children the most vile of sexual deviancy as an “alternative” they should explore. That’s right. YOU pay people to pervert your children, and WE DO NOTHING!!

Why shouldn’t they expect us to knuckle under? We always have! Let’s surprise the heck out of them this time. Let us unite into a grass roots conflagration of Constitutional fervor that NO Congressman dare stand in front of.

Let us be willing, and if necessary, anxious to utilize all of the founders protections. Let us not fear the most dreaded of courses, but rather let our souls sing with the songs of our fathers as we begin the restoration that will be our Legacy, our Legend, our Gift to all that come after us.


Anonymous said...

So we're supposed to unite behind state-imposed religion and anti-gay bigotry? No thanks...

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear! And in the same spirit of Bob Wright's speech, former Lt. Col. Allen West gave a campaign speech a few days ago in Florida everyone here should take a look at:

This can go main stream folks, patriots do not have to be regulated to small out of the way venues if you get patriots on the ballots.

And to do that, and to take the country back remember that politics starts at the grass roots level in your home town and your county precinct. It's been said that something along the lines of 60,000 precinct members control the political process of our country. So, get out there and take over the precincts. It can be done, it is happening right now:

De Oppresso Liber


thelastpatriots said...

Oh eyes are smoking. Thanks for passing this on the masses!

MikeH. said...

Thank You Michael.

Brock Townsend said...

Excellent, as usual.

Anonymous said...

This man needs to be heard around the nation!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike. I really needed that!

The Allegory

Paul W. Davis said...

I like it.

aughtsix said...

Can there really be no comments to that?

Every last syllable, from Bob Wright's lips to the ears of every potential Patriot...

and to those of our enemies as well.

Those who seek our servitude should pay attention. Their lives are in peril so long as they pursue the present course.

348 said...

We in the NM law enforcement community are fully behind the rights of the people and the Constitution. Some of our troopers were going to attend the meeting, but as usual we got called off to other duty.

It's good that somebody got a recap posted.

Did you know NM has an official militia, established in state law? Now to just get us some M14NMS rifles together... :)

Old Pablo said...

Wright has wise words for us. Note well that we are INTOLERANT of the debasement of our Constitution, our country, our children, our currency and ourselves. There are not two sides to this story. The truth is self-evident.

Mayberry said...

I'm ready. But every time I set off to do these things, I find myself alone. Yet I still do them...

Dakota said...

As always Bob, an outstanding speech of words with steel in them. Let the cockroaches who are the enemies of the Constitution tremble before the cause of Liberty and Decency under Constitutional governance.

DD said...

Anonymous said...

So we're supposed to unite behind state-imposed religion and anti-gay bigotry? No thanks...
Wow. Is "Anon" so steeped in the false paradigm of political-correctness that it can't see what it just wrote, or is it just a troll?

Nobody wants state-imposed religion -- but freedom OF religion is not the same as freedom FROM religion.

How did it take us 200 years to figure out prayer was banned from schools if the ban was based on our Constitution?

How did it take us 235+ years to figure out homosexuals were entitled to use the very same schools to spread their perversion if the "right" was based on our Constitution?

Do you not see the dichotomy in crying AGAINST prayer in school but FOR their use to prosthelytize homosexuality?

IMHO our FIRST revolution must be against "political-correctness" for it is the worst form of tyranny -- tyranny of the MIND. I refuse to be bound by those chains.

God Save Our Republic!!


Shannon (N5KOU) McGauley said...

Very good job Bob!

Anonymous said...

"But no one will compel you to fulfill this pledge, or regulate to what level you have to fulfilled it. That is up to you and your conscience."

Don't worry, the Confederacy is coming soon to collect your sons and your money for the cause. They're fighting the Union, which would otherwise take your sons and your money. And when the long roll beckons and you all fall into line, of all the many faces there you surely won't see mine.

"They have turned our women away from our homes and our children and transformed them into some perverse version of some oversexed Junior High kid's fantasies. And WE DID NOTHING!!"

Someone tell the TaliBob that the wimmen and the brown people are all supposed to have as much freedom to chart their life's path as he does. Maybe some of these women have made the free choice to be sexy and brassy and powerful. Exactly what does he intend to do about that, vote them back into the kitchen? I'm sure that after his Klan theocracy takes over, he'll chain 'em to the stove where they belong.

"I started with a quote from, von Clausewitz, about he necessity of knowing what kind of war one was actually fighting. How one must not try to make the war fit your theories, but rather base strategy on what the war really is."

This conflict has the libertarians on one side, and Obama and the TaliBob on the other side fighting between them for the same cannon fodder taxpayers. And as the camera pulls back from the farmhouse window, all the pigs looked like men.

Happy D said...

Interesting Anon #1 I read the speech several times and he calls for neither.
But your post implies that you feel it is just fine to make him pay for public schools? Schools that indoctrinate your state-imposed anti-religion and pro-gay views?

I will not inflict myself on you on this comments board again Anon. Even if someone gets nasty towards me. So I bid you farewell with the words of a greater man than I.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams

Anonymous said...

A legacy of the founders and hard core anarchist says I still think we cam win this peacefully through the 10th amendment movements. Yes we can.

We need to understand the original intent of the Constitution as states given a very small number of enumerated rights to the fed gov and take back our rights.


Texas Cigar said...

He hit the nail right on the head!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon #1: Without government-sponsored, taxpayer-funded public schools, there would be no dispute over issues of "state-imposed religion and anti-gay bigotry". You really do miss the point: you're focusing on the content of public school curricula, and ignoring the more fundamental question, i.e., whether government has any authority to control education. Open your mind, man.

On an entirely separate note, I find it interesting that no one, that I know of, has proposed a State-initiated constitutional convention to amend the Constitution. Toothless resolutions for Congress to "respect the 10th Amendment" are worse than useless; they highlight the powerlessness of the States. All Amendments currently in the Constitution have been initiated by Congress; it's time to dust off the other options. Here is my suggestion:

"No binding legislation shall originate in the Congress of the United States, nor shall binding regulation be enacted by the Executive branch, but that which is explicitly authorized under this Constitution. And any proposed legislation or regulation which contradicts this Constitution, or violates the rights of the People under this Constitution, or usurps a Power of the States under this Constitution, shall be treated as felony. Any official who proposes such legislation or regulation, and any official who attempts to enforce such legislation or regulation, shall have his Authority and Office nullified by Law, shall be deemed a felon, and shall be imprisoned for a period of no less than five years. Authority for enforcement of this Amendment shall lie with each State, or lawful subdivision thereof."

Rova said...

"How did it take us 235+ years to figure out homosexuals were entitled to use the very same schools to spread their perversion if the "right" was based on our Constitution?"

Yep, rally 'round the flag and hate those gays! Hate the gay folks in uniform serving our country, hate the gays who turn out in bunker gear to fight the fire, hate the gays who are Oath Keepers in LEO agencies, and hate the gays who are in EMS.

Perverts one and all, eh? GLBT purges will save the country?



I'm a pagan lesbian, and I'll continue to do all in my power to stop the Marxist spread. As long as we agree the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, GLBT or not, pagan, atheist, christian or not, I won't be deterred. We are all created equal, aren't we.

aughtsix said...


I, and I think many of us here, do not hate gay firefighters etc...

We "hate" and vehemently oppose gay activists who seek to use the courts to obtain what they otherwise could not: forcing their "life style" and political agenda on the majority, even on their children, and very much against their will.

In so far as it is possible, we have striven to make it so... that each individual in America has the same rights. No more and no less. The whole "victims rights, PC culture" has done more to undermine this in the last twenty years than any good it may have done in the previous thirty.

Adam and Steve do not make the nucleus of a "family" no matter how much you may wish it so, nor Mary and Eve either.

As to the flaming straw men of Anon. #1 & # 16 etc...

Bwaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Utter Fail!

Arguing with idiots we don't.

Anonymous said...

We are all created equal, aren't we[?]--Rova

By whom are we created, Rova? As it was understood way back in 1776 and by Judeo-Christian conservatives today, we are equally created in God's image--made to enjoy fellowship with Him and reflect His glory.

It is not clear to me how pagans fit into this rubric. Indeed, the pagan world-view is exclusively and exhaustively naturalistic and secular. As such, any appeal to the God of nature on your part is either deliberately disingenuous or the product of mental confusion.

By way of Christian charity, I may personally be willing to tolerate your difference of opinion from prevailing orthodoxy, but I will actively cooperate with all those who resist homosexual political proselytizing.

If this means losing your support for the Second Amendment, it is a Devil's bargain you are offering anyway.


Rova said...

"We "hate" and vehemently oppose gay activists who seek to use the courts to obtain what they otherwise could not: forcing their "life style" and political agenda on the majority, even on their children, and very much against their will."
Yep - "life style." I have to flinch at that assumption, that apparent conviction.
To borrow a phrase, "Let's focus on the steak and not the peas."
You continue, "Adam and Steve do not make the nucleus of a "family" no matter how much you may wish it so, nor Mary and Eve either." What has that belief got to do with restoring the Constitution? You can't resist? If, and as long as the focus remains on the Constitution and is unencumbered by discrete dogmatic ideology, I'm good to go. Make any demographic intrinsically second class citizens and I hear banjos in the background.

"By whom are we created, Rova?"
Answer: ". . . endowed by their Creator. . ." To me, that assures freedom of religion. if the phrase was ". . . endowed by OUR Creator. . ." then IMO it would mandate Judeo-Christian theological flavors exclusively. I don't know, nor would I presume to state who or what created you. I could care less.
"As such, any appeal to the God of nature on your part is either deliberately disingenuous or the product of mental confusion."
SWING - and a miss. Either/or, eh?
"If this means losing your support for the Second Amendment, it is a Devil's bargain you are offering anyway."
Where did you come up with that?? I wasn't "offering" any bargain. Not even the rabid extremist splinter factions of western theocracy can deter my support for the Constitution. Does that mean I'd unhesitatingly trust you to have my back? Time will tell.

I posted to illustrate what I see as a weakness in the Threeper philosophy and mission. Our host voices his religious convictions, and I acquiesce without complaint as the staple of the message is not, to me, obscured. As discussion and comments on this specific brought out what I consider to be irrelevant and distracting superfluous agendas of convenience, I spoke to the mentation that readily takes a measured yard and runs a mile with it, with absolute conviction that they're still staying the course. Have the Hamburg School's Marxist's progeny created and amplified "The Gay Agenda" to its own designs? I believe so, and vehemently disavow the vast majority of it, in all its iterations; but from it has come a little constructive good.


Anonymous said...

if the phrase was ". . . endowed by OUR Creator. . ." then IMO it would mandate Judeo-Christian theological flavors exclusively. I don't know, nor would I presume to state who or what created you. I could care less.
"As such, any appeal to the God of nature on your part is either deliberately disingenuous or the product of mental confusion."
SWING - and a miss. Either/or, eh?--Rova

You cannot detach "God their Creator" from its 18th century common usage. If you are trying to convince me that 1776 was a political movement to establish the right of nature worship for pagan lesbians, you are worse than disingenuous; you are just plain nutz.

"I don't know, nor would I presume to state who or what created you."

No, you don't know who created me. That much, at least, is evident.


Bill J. Canada said...

Outstanding. It is way past time to throw the cheats and thieves out of
Washington by what ever means necessary. One party is no better than the other. The problem as I see it is that most Americans don't have the spine to do what is needed. Most
don't even have the ambition to get off their lazy butts and go vote much less anything else. Being polite to politicians is a sign of weakness to them and they laugh at or ignore the people because they know that they will do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Christians have a right to believe as they want. Belief is one thing, behavior is another. We should be able to live together in peace as long as we don’t tread on each other’s beliefs. To each his own. This country was founded on INDIVIDUAL freedom. Individual freedom only exists when there are limitations on government imposed by the principle of individual rights. America was established as a republic, under which the state is restricted to protecting individual rights. This is not a system of “democracy.” We must stop confusing democracy with freedom. The principle we need to support is not the rule of the majority, but the inalienable RIGHTS of the individual.

I start feeling uncomfortable when someone lumps me in together with “women” as if all women are supposed to do the same thing. If an individual women wants to stay home and raise kids, that’s her right and HER decision. But I’ll not have a MAN or a GOVERNMENT make that decision for me.