Monday, November 9, 2009

David Codrea responds to Dedicated Dad with another reason why firearm owners should oppose the Intolerable Act.

This just in from David Codrea:

Saw Dedicated Dad's comment on Sipsey St.

Here's a consequence for those who defy "Obey or be destroyed" that, curiously, none of the professional "gun lobby" groups seem to have noticed.

Perhaps it can be exploited to help wreck this train in the Senate.


David Codrea


Qi Ji Guang said...

So it happened, eh? I knew something was very wrong when I kept getting this gut feeling of uneasiness, even as I was working "the crazy shifts" at the clothing store the whole week.

So my natural reaction is to read this site first thing...Unbelievable. First class socialism right there. Stalin would be so damn proud of this he'd have an erection in his grave.

Until the Redcoats are actually sent to Boston under General Gage to disarm and imprison the citizenry, I'll fight this using words and speech. If the lobsterbacks actually make a move, I will meet everyone on the Lexington Green.


rexxhead said...

Swell. It appears that Congress agrees that the verb "regulate" in "well-regulated militia" is the same verb used in "regulate interstate commerce" and it means "bury under a mountain of laws".

It's time for us to understand that the verb "regulate" in "well-regulated militia" is the same verb used in "regulate interstate commerce" and it means "make it work smoothly".

As such, every law passed under -THEIR- mistaken assumption is bogus. That is: virtually everything since 1932, and much of what went before.