Monday, May 18, 2009


Yes, I KNOW there are different flavors of anarchist (not that THAT seems to make a difference in the tone of ANONYMOUS demand that I agree with them "RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!")

Yes, I am fully aware of the potential for breakdown of liberty in an ordered republic. How could I not be?

Yes, I am aware that we will have to be even more careful than the Founders of what is crafted to fix the current situation, IF WE WIN.

But THAT is the whole point, people. What I am trying to do, the best I know how, is with ridiculously thin resources wake up people to the ugly reality that, as Pete at WRSA puts it:

a. We're screwed.

b. We're going to be forced to fight.

c. Let's win.

Now, you DON'T do that by being, first and foremost, an apostle of anarchism of whatever flavor. I may happen to agree with some of you on many points, but the average American, even one predisposed to agree with the necessity for rolling back the creeping tyranny at gunpoint, will tune you out. Understand this: I am who I am, with all my faults, blind spots and eccentricities, but I AM about building as large a coalition as possible to fight the Leviathan. And I mean, FIGHT, I don't mean lose time and waste effort arguing about how many free associators can dance of the top of Bakunin's gravestone. I could give a shit less.

In your puritanical insistence (ANONYMOUS insistence, I might add) that I see the anarchical light you miss that this is a real-world fight. It is a cold war now. It will, I pray to God daily that it will not be, but it will be a hot war later. In your own demands to know the precise spot you will arrive at before you begin the journey, you are in your own way as defeatist as the people who cringe behind anonymous monikers crying that "oh, woe is us, we cannot beat the Leviathan which is going to scoop us all up" as an excuse to do nothing.

I am a scribbler it is true, but my utility, if I have one in this fight, is that I motivate the maximum number of people to WAKE UP, GEAR UP AND RESIST. You want to argue doctrine when you ought to be preparing, physically and mentally preparing, for the darkest time for liberty ever seen in this world, EVER. Save the ideological purity for when we win and have to put the pieces back together.

You want to make sure you have a seat at that table when the time comes? Then claim it by being the smartest fighters, the bravest men and women, the most prepared citizen soldiers, and the most astute leaders in the fight to come. THAT will win your point, not anonymous screeds demanding that I see your big picture now.

Because, my ladies and gentlemen of enlightened anarchism, FIRST WE HAVE TO WIN. Otherwise, you'll be arguing the same points in the cells they throw all of the survivors in, and to as little effective purpose.


Anonymous said...

Would you have any objections to the "III" showing up on buildings and such around the country? Mainly as a signature for Restorationist "propaganda"? I know some talented "graphic artists" and I have some ideas meself. Just wondering.....

Dutchman6 said...

"Would you have any objections to the 'III' showing up on buildings and such around the country? Mainly as a signature for Restorationist 'propaganda'? I know some talented 'graphic artists' and I have some ideas meself. Just wondering....."

MBV: I encourage the maximum use of initiative, in all cases and in all ways. If Eric Holder were to enter his office one morning and find a new paperweight of a brick with a "III" on it, the operational uncertainty that would engender in his mind would be worth a division of militia training in the field. A III put on every federal building and county party headquarters of Republicrats around the country? Almost as much benefit. If somebody does it, be sure and take pictures and send them to me. Be happy to post them.


AvgJoe said...

Mike, this is an email more than a post: First off check out HR 2401 done by the witch from NY who is trying to bring her dead husband back to life with gun bills. I believe she needs to be locked up in a mental hospital.

The story is of a man who had 30K rounds of ammo and is in jail with a 500K bond and can't get out.

Billy Beck said...

"..but the average American, even one predisposed to agree with the necessity for rolling back the creeping tyranny at gunpoint, will tune you out."{hah!} Who cares? Look at them, Mike. They're idiots.

You're telling me that I should appeal to this mindless herd all around me. To hell with them. They cannot "tune" to begin with, nevermind anything that I have to say.

No, sir: I value my convictions far too highly to hedge them before the thoughtless.

You know where I stand, and that's a good thing. Good luck with the coalitions.

Dutchman6 said...

Billy sez:

You're telling me that I should appeal to this mindless herd all around me.

MBV: NO, I'm not. I'm telling you I have to craft a message consistent with MY principles and the ultimate goal of defeating tyranny.

Billy: To hell with them. They cannot "tune" to begin with, nevermind anything that I have to say. No, sir: I value my convictions far too highly to hedge them before the thoughtless. You know where I stand, and that's a good thing. Good luck with the coalitions.

MBV: Billy. I have no doubt that push come to shove, I could tie my flank to yours and vice versa with full trust on both sides. THAT is a coalition. My problem is not with anarchists having opinions, or even anarchists urging me to see their side of things, but my problem is with asshole anarchists insisting that I adopt their received wisdom from on high and insulting me when I don't.

You don't have to agree with me on everything and I don't have to agree with you but we can still fight in common cause against the larger evil.

The armed citizenry is perforce a coalition of the willing, surely you see that? Our lives depend upon our ability to build effective armed coalitions to resist the Leviathan. That is, your life with your opinions and my life with mine.

Anarchistic absolutism is all very well and good, but I am not the person to demand adoption of it as a predicate to resistance. People who do can kiss my ass. And if I were demanding the opposite of you, you would tell me, rightly, to kiss yours.

However, as you well know, I am not demanding anything of the sort. It is not necessary to agree totally to stand together. If it were, the Republic would never have existed, however imperfect it was and is.


The Commander said...

Note that the witch from NY keeps advocating more of teh very policies that killed her husband and son to begine with.

Do more of the same to bring them back...

Talk about a blood dancer. Maybe it's not to bring them back. Maybe she saw their tragedy and the springboard to her opportunity. What better way to seize the moral high ground than to be the grief-stricken widow advocating for more safety?

And thus did her totalitarian career begin.

Brock Townsend said...


Excellent idea. A stencil and a spray can would be the quickest/cheapest.

Johnny Deceptively said...

Dutchman6 said: "You don't have to agree with me on everything and I don't have to agree with you but we can still fight in common cause against the larger evil.

The armed citizenry is perforce a coalition of the willing, surely you see that? Our lives depend upon our ability to build effective armed coalitions to resist the Leviathan. That is, your life with your opinions and my life with mine.

Anarchistic absolutism is all very well and good, but I am not the person to demand adoption of it as a predicate to resistance. People who do can kiss my ass. And if I were demanding the opposite of you, you would tell me, rightly, to kiss yours."

Nicely put. Though I may fly the black flag, there are more important issues than minarchism vs. anarchism, or the details of a libertarian government. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

btw, I used to post as Pat H, then I found my old blog.

Sean said...

Q: How many anarchists does it take to form a government? A: That's not funny! Q: Why did the anarchist cross the road? A:What the hell do you mean by that? Q:What do anarchists eat for dinner? A:Nothing. One would turn the stove on, another would immediately turn it off..........

Kristopher said...

Ermmm ... can we get ready to shoot the nazis now, and argue about Ayn Rand and Mahkno a bit later?

Sammy A from MA said...

Along the lines of painting "III" on various buildings, etc., here's something done in the UK that is of interest:

If the largely de-balled folks in the UK can do this, what can a properly motivated population in this country do?

Mind you, I'm with MV on the issue of giving "them" a Ft. Sumter. Don't do it. However, passive resistance and slightly less than passive resistance (i.e. no people get hurt) on a large scale WILL send a message. Kind of like the guy who had the massive nads to spray paint "WOLVERINES" on the **inside** wall of the Soviet Embassy compound in the mid-1980s.

parabarbarian said...

Putting the III everywhere may be good idea. It already has some recognition in the halls of power so no harm in rubbing it in. I recommend a Roman Numeral three in a circle. Using red spray paint in the tradition of the V. :-)

Perhaps it can become the Simon Jester of America's (hopefully) Velvet Revolution.

Anonymous said...

I knew as soon as I suggested it, that others would get in the spirit. Which is a good thing, as I cant go everywhere myself.

Yes, a stencil and a spray can is the way to go, though you might want to make one of those camera-defeating hats from the earlier post first. I'm gonna. I have some more elaborate'll see.

straightarrow said...

Posted this somewhere else earlier today, but I think it fits here as well.

The woman isn't an idiot. She is a happy widow. She has enjoyed so much fame and fortune as a widow that she wants to help create other widows who might wish to share her elation at the deaths of their husbands.

Why would I say such a horrible thing? Ok, think about it. Her husband died because nobody on that train had the means of self-defense. The only armed man on that train was a maniac by the name of Colin Ferguson. Because of his unique status on that particular day on that particular train he had his way with all the innocent people he shot,maimed and killed.

But McCarthy, to her moral detriment, does not wish her husband could have defended himself or others, nor does she wish that others could have defended him. Rather, she wishes to enable more murderous maniacs to kill more innocents, thus creating more "Merry Widows".

That's why I can say that. She is happy her husband is dead and wants to share what she considers her good fortune.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm pretty much an anarchist. I also post here anonymously (mostly because my exposure is already great enough). But I agree with the original post. I just wonder if that many anarchists display the problem that dutchman6 posts about? Most I know have some modicum of common sense, and not too poor a grip on reality...

But it is true that libertarians and others of that ilk do tend to talk things to death. I don't suppose this fact will greatly bother us when the time comes to "shoot the bastards" though.

Johnny Deceptively said...

Anon at May 18, 2009 10:58 PM

You're probably right. It's probably not that good of an idea to try and rely on those who would rather indulge in what I like to call mental masturbation. Most of them that I can think of are pacifists or at the most only willing to carry a gun for protection from muggers and the like. You want the person in your foxhole to be a warrior, not just an intellectual.

Brock Townsend said...

I checked on decals for the hell of it, and they came out at 30 cents a piece for 1,000.

3x4.5 Oval B/W
(Templates with no
uploaded graphics)

Quantity Price
1 $4.65
2 $6.45
5 $11.95
10 $15.95
25 $27.95
50 $37.95
100 $54.95
250 $93.95
500 $172.95
750 $233.95
1000 $299.95