Thursday, April 30, 2015

Something I missed. Required reading for all Three Percenters.

I'm feeling a bit better today and I found eating and drinking yesterday to be bit easier, if still somewhat painful. However, I noticed that there are only two comments to this post: The Fork in the Road at Lexington Green: A Cautionary Tale of Tactical Decision-Making at the Precipice of War. This article should be required reading and food for thought for all Three Percenters.
In addition, the second comment posted at the article's original site is this from "Secundius" --
Correct me if I'm wrong, but technically in 19 April 1775. We were STILL British Citizens, and Massachusetts Militia were illegally stockpiling weapons. And the British Colonial American's were breaking the law by forming an unauthorized assembly of armed men. So what did the British do wrong, nothing that I can see...
Amazingly, only one reader took this modern-day Tory to task, and that but mildly. I wondered, "Is this guy really an American?"


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that the colonists were only having to pay between 2 - 3% in taxes, but that was already enough to set off the revolution. That, on top of the other tyrannical behaviors of the king and Parliament, were deemed unbearable. We, on the other hand, put up with 50% taxes (both direct and indirect) and suffer under the most invasive and abusive government a supposedly "free" society has ever endured. And we do nothing? We grow people who question the actions of the colonists, when we should have torn down the current day structures long ago?

What in the world are we waiting for, the collapse of the economy, along with the rest of society, and the imposition of martial law?

Will we have to have it sitting on our doorstep or on our living room couch before we take action? I'd say it's too late when it takes that to arouse our "freedom muscle".


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing most understood the post as sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ British "citizens".

Subjects much?

Some people just can't see through their smokescreen.
Words have meanings. At least they used to.

josephpmartino said...

Granted, we are being taxed heavily enough to justify a revolution. However, the issue for the colonists was not the percentage of the tax, but the fact that it was imposed by a legislature (the British Parliament) in which they had no representation nor any vote. We have no such justification. We voted for the bastards.

Capitalist Eric said...

The comments of "Secundius" show him to be an ignorant fool, all while he *feels* himself superior to his intellectual betters.

In summary, he's the "rebel without a clue."

Anonymous said...

Brady Lawsuit Lotto Promised Millions, Delivered Ruin

Anonymous said...

Baltimore Burns for its Gun Control Policies

Anonymous said...

Sorry! I too, thought it was important enough to send off to three family members. Great little tidbit of history!

I got it. Let the tyrants fire first. Just be back for enough that they miss!

Thanks Mike

Allen said...

some of the the stockpiled powder, cannons, muskets, and other equipment came from an earlier colonial victory.

ag42b said...

I am sorry for not having been able to read the original article, due to illness.

I would have referred "Secundus", and like-minded Tory sympathizers to a series of "coercive acts", passed by Parliament in wake of the Boston Tea Party, which in effect took away Massachusetts Colony's self-government, removed from them the protections enjoyed by other Crown subjects, and generally hastened the path to the conflict at Lexington, Concord, and what followed. In the US, these are referred to as the Intolerable Acts, better described than I can here

By the time conflict occurred, Parliament had already chosen its course, which would have led to war when applied subjectively to any group of freedom-minded individuals. If one selectively pushes a particular group of individuals, don't act surprised if they push back.

Anonymous said...

to anon @ 1:28 PM on 30 April...

Today's world is a lot different from back then. Even though we have 50% direct and indirect taxes, the average American today, even the poorest among us is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE effectively better off because of our modern technology. Colonists in the 1775s didn't have nice microwave ovens, dish TV, smart phones, etc. In other words, they didnt have nearly as many distractions for one. Also, while 2-3% taxes aren't bad, when being poor in the 1775s meant possible starvation, 2-3% loss in pay could mean death. Our technology enables a gigantic leach class who can contribute nothing and still get fed because modern farming technology enables only 1-2% of Americans to have to farm. Back then, probbaly at least 20-30% or more had to farm. A massive welfare society just wouldn't be possible back then. Therefore, the elite didn't have the steam valves back then like they do now to keep us pacified.

Anyway, if and when a massive financial collapse occurs, it WILL BE 1775 all over again, only far more than 3% will be fighting.

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that far more people will fight in the upcomming hypothetical second revolution because of dependency. In 1775, only 3% took up arms, because a lot of farmers out there were content to just minding the farm and sitting back. Nowadays, you have 2% who regulary farm AND MAYBE another 2-5% who could rapidly switch to farming if necessary. All the welfare leaches will have to fight because they won't have a choice. When the only way to get your daily bread is to pillage and steal for it, most except possibly the most hard corps Buddhists or Christians will pillage and steal.

Anonymous said...

So, if LE would stand down to allow people to destroy and steal, why won't they stand down to allow Americans to reclaim their Republic?

Anonymous said...

LE stood down because pols ordered them to do so. When it comes to reclaiming our Republic from the corporate masters, they will order the pOlice to step on our necks with their shiny boots.

The question really is, what do they do when all their boots are already on necks and there exists many many many more armed Patriots standing - and are armed quite well? Even though ordered to neck stomp ....I bet they retreat and or take off those boots and jump sides.