Victory Corps: 1942

August 1942. "Training in marksmanship helps girls at Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles develop into responsible women. Part of Victory Corps activities there, rifle practice encourages girls to be accurate in handling firearms. Practicing on the rifle range in the school's basement."
When I was in junior high we had a "dress up" day where we wore costumes and voted on the best in each class, winners appeared in front on the entire school at an assembly. I went as Teddy Roosevelt as a Rough Rider, carrying a Mattel .30-30 lever action. I believe that's a misdemeanor today. But that was nothing...
Another winner went as General George S. Patton, wore an old army helmet and a Colt SAA .45, a real one. The teachers thought it was great.
We will get back to those times.
No. Guns are the problem, but immorality is!
I hate to be the "wet blanket" here, but so much damage has been done to the American character and spirit, both through massive immigration without assimilation, and the corrosive effects of agenda-driven public "education" that I fear there is no return. I hope I'm wrong. It is still inspiring to see that photo of young women training to fend off what was then believed to be a very real threat of Japanese invasion. And I have no doubts from the looks on their faces that they WOULD have fought.
Different time indeed. The high school my parents attended had a rifle club as did most schools in rural areas. When I was in high school it was common to carry our shotguns and rifles to school in the trunks of our cars or behind the seats of our pickups. We would then hunt after school. Depending on whose place we had agreed to hunt at. In times before that it was also common for kids to stash their .22's or single shot shotguns in the coat room. It was common in the era of the one room school house for kids to hunt on the way to school and the way home. That in my humble opinion is when this county started going to hell. When the early Progressives started to shut the one room schools down and put everyone into the Political indoctrination centers we have today. But there is one thing that gives me hope. After a lull in the shooting sports caused by the Progressive ridicule of soldiers, war and guns during the Vietnam war we have seen a steady climb in the number of people getting involved in the shooting sports. More women are shooting now and hunting as well. With the increase in the number of shows on TV that involve the shooting sports I believe that people are rediscovering the past that many of us grew up with. It is a good thing. As they learn the truth it is easier for them to learn to repudiate the lies and BS they have been fed for so long.
Looking at that picture makes me think I was born about 60 years too late (Born in the 80s).
I sure hope we can get back to those days.
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