Saturday, December 29, 2012

One thing is certain, these people aren't running a news business, they're running a collectivist propaganda machine.

New York newspaper to list more gun permit holders after uproar. I guess they didn't get upset about their personal information being published in return. The stupid bastards are fairly begging for harassment and economic countermeasures.


MI-copperhead said...

A brick through the window of the paper might get the point across.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes they are begging. They are hoping someone does something stupid.

Anonymous said...

I just did a little math. Time-Warner's (owner of CNN) current market cap is such that if every gun-owning household in the USA bought $800 worth of Time-Warner instead of a new rifle, we would own every share of Time-Warner. Of course, not all of Time-Warner is for sale. But we could get enough that we could elect Mike to chairman of the board -- how's that for a blog upgrade?

Anonymous said...

Time for the Window War to engage another front. Do we've any friendly special-mission units in the AO available?


Ed said...

Own Time-Warner stock? Hey! We DO have standards!

Trinity said...

Gotta just love those pious, "holier than thou" caring progressives. As they sniff justification for their actions as being in the best interest of the common folk in knowing where (some of) the guns are located, they're setting totally innocent people -- both gun owners and their "sensible" non-gun owning neighbors alike -- to be targetable victims of crime.

In a true "twofer" they are pointing out which homes to hit -- hopefully when the gun owners are absent -- to easily obtain more guns illegally; and secondarily, pointing out where they can gear up some home invasions and most likely be met with unarmed, defenseless homeowners who don't own guns. That oughtta be good for a few rapes and violent assaults for fun while the invaders leisurely take their time picking through their victim's possessions.

These pious, overly caring bleeding heart liberals are just determined to get some people either seriously injured or killed. Of course, then they will just sniff and say that it wasn't their fault that someone misused the information in an unlawful manner...common sense and human decency are truly dead and buried in this country.

Anonymous said...

I wrote the state legislators today to try to get them to do something to prevent this locally. It may do no good, but everyone should write theirs also.

Yank lll said...

WE need to find a way to use these attacks on our Liberty to unite Americans in the common goal to restore our liberty, at any cost, or we might as well surrender now and accept the embarrassment and shame of failure.

Yank lll

Anonymous said...