Friday, June 29, 2012

Another country heard from . . .

In reaction to Black Thursday below, an atypical Media Matters reader (he doesn't curse, rave or spit) responds:
Anonymous said...
How hysterically funny to read through the comments here! Real patriots do not overthrow duly elected and sworn governments.
You all miss the fact that the ACA ruling will do far less damage than a couple of other 5-4 votes from SCOTUS.
1) The appointment of George 'Dumbya' Bush as President
2) Citizens United, allowing corporations to simply buy elections
With all your seditious talk, with all of your talk about inciting violence, with all of your talk about 'taking your country back', you prove over and over again that NONE of you are actual patriots, and most of you aren't even worthy of being American citizens. Why not move to Somalia? There is no government there, and he with the most guns wins. You all should be right at home.
Signed, The_Cat from MMfA
Like I said, two different countries.


WarriorClass III said...

The other country is wrong, as is Chief Justice Roberts. Roberts is wrong because a change to the constitution requires an amendment thereto, as prescribed by the constitution. A simple legislative majority cannot amend the constitution. There is a further principle that you cannot give to government rights that you yourself do not possess. If you personally do not have the right to force someone to buy something (and you don’t), then you cannot give that right to government whether by a majority vote or not. The constitution was written to preserve not only states rights, but individual liberty. Obamacare is a clear violation of our rights and the constitution.

“Libertarianism: The radical notion that other people are not your property.” And the corollary, “Other peoples property is not your property.”

WarriorClass III

pulchritude girl said...

The Somalia thing must be the newest talking point, I've seen it in comments on 3 different blogs already this morning. Either that or this one guy gets around. But yeah, makes perfect sense.... if you dislike Congress passing laws by twisting rules, voting on Christmas Eve, bribing Senators with kickbacks and lying about raising taxes - you should move to Somalia. Because logically, if you expect the government to follow it's own laws (you know, like not exempting themselves from this sooooper great healthcare law, just as one example) then you would really like a place with complete anarchy. Makes complete sense - to a lib.

GBBL said...

For some, Patriot = Subject.

Happy D said...

Naw Mr. cat
We will keep the country our predecessors built and we of the Productive Class maintain and improve.

Your kind however will be leaving.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't curse etc - but sure uses denigrating language -ie "Dumbya".
His every word shows that he is totally unaware of what has made use the greatest nation -ever.
We might want to direct him to read the Declaration - he obviously doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Right. Two totally different countries.
I feel that it is wise to understand the other side and their point of view.
They view us as dinosaurs, armed with teeth, and small brains. The document we claim we would die for in their eyes is an ancient document written by slave holders that loses validity everyday. They shake their head in amusement and disbelief as we state our point of view.
With all of their posturing and worldwide view they forget that man is man, and because he is man, their perfect society will never be a reality.
They can say whatever they want to, they can claim that we are warmongers all day long. They can criticize us for wanting to act in the face of tyranny. They feel that we have it so good here that a stripping of a small amount of liberty from us is ok. We feel that any liberty taken from us spits in the face of that ancient document we say we would die for.
No amount of oppression is ok... None. If you allow a small amount to be taken, they will never stop. We all know this.
Yes, they can criticize us while finding it fashionable to support other uprisings in the world.
No amount of oppression, tyranny, or suppression of rights in the name of security, or justice can stand because it will never stop. We all know this. Look at our country. The country we took an oath to defend to the death.

Armadillo said...

The story David has on his site about walked guns in 1996 when Clinton was president, is that why we got the assault ban law?

Hang Holder next to the fraud obama said...

Another country for sure. Totally alien to reason, patriotism, lucid thought, intelligence, wisdom, grace, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Why do you entertain the postings of imbeciles? These people, as well as what they think are totally irrelevant. YAWN BURP FART

Uncle Lar said...

When they bring up their wish for restrictions on corporate donations I always ask them if they'd be willing to impose the same restrictions on unions. The response is rarely printable.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are thooo right !,those ol hairy legged brute`s probably have bad breath and don`t like Obaaaama either!.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of other countries being heard from, the Germans are just as pissed off at the flaunting of our just laws by frauds in office, as we are.

Here's a good translator if you cut and paste into it only one paragraph at a time. If you click oall three of the translator tabs below the translation you get a real clear understanding of what is said in any language.

So fuck you, Pussy from MMfa. Even across the globe you are disagreed with by decent people who speak up.

Frederick H Watkins said...

He does not seem to understand that a duly elected and sworn government does not a legitimate government make.

dakotas5 said...

Needs to learn the difference between patriotism and nationalism. Definitely doesn't know the difference.

Kent McManigal said...

"Love it or leave it" is what pinheads say when they realize they have no truth on their side, and the whole "why don't you move to Somalia" thing is hilarious, since it shows the ignorance- both of liberty-lovers and of Somalia- of the poor pathetic statists who grasp at that one.

Seremzh said...

The Nationalsozialistice Deutsche Arbeiteipartei was also duly elected. I don't think even the drone (progressivists have no sense of self) can deny how that turned out.

Thomas/PatriotofPast said...

I'm curious about something...
WHY is America ALWAYS slammed over Slavery... When it was the DUTCH who instituted it?
In Fact, The Stronger more Powerful Tribes in Africa used to capture AND SELL people from other Tribes...
And We are ALWAYS the Bad Guys?

Anonymous said...

It is definitely amusing to be called an extremist by people advocating for the tanks to be sent into the streets and for us to be slaughtered by our own government.

That is something that not even the despots of the orient attempted during the "'Arab' Spring."

flyovercountry said...

I guess the author of this letter pretty much skipped the American History taught to every elementary school kid in this country, at least in the days of yore. The Patriots, were the guys who were busy overthrowing the British Government, you know, those guys in charge since the first settlers began arriving and colonizing the, "New World."

I am not arguing for a violent revolution or anything, but I would like to see the Constitution regarded for what it actually says, and not what some self anointed fool who believes himself to be intellectually superior to we mere mortals believes it should say.