Expanded Contents | Figures | Tables 1. Perspective And Summary 15A. Phasing Propositions and Their Evidence on International Conflict Vol. 1: The Dynamic Psychological Field
Democratic Peace page |
If you will be persuaded by me, pay little attention to Socrates, but much more to the truth; and if I appear to you to say anything true, assent to it, but if not, oppose me with all your might, taking good care that in my zeal I do not deceive both myself and you. ---- Socrates in Plato's Phaedo |
From this Vol. 4: War, Power, Peace, and previous Vol. 1: The Dynamic Psychological Field, Vol. 2: The Conflict Helix, Vol. 3: Conflict In Perspective, and related works, we can draw several basic empirical conclusions about our conflict with each other, whether interpersonal, social, or international. These conclusions have been stated as primary propositions in Appendix 19B and therein related to the propositions established in this and the other volumes mentioned, and in my Field Theory Evolving (1977)
In all, the empirical conclusions are that:
These empirical conclusions get their meaning and substance from a perspective on conflict. This is that:
The empirical conclusions and this perspective apply to interpersonal conflict, social (collective) conflict within societies, and international conflict. They constitute together a view of conflict scientifically confirmed by the historical and contemporary record of humanity's social and international conflicts.
Yet, one must ask, of what moment are these conclusions? Of what value? From them what can we assert about eliminating or managing conflict, violence, and war? And especially, how do we do this consistent with social justice? This is the concern of Vol. 5: The Just Peace.
* Scanned from Chapter 19 in R.J. Rummel, War, Power, Peace, 1979. For full reference to the book and the list of its contents in hypertext, click book. Typographical errors have been corrected, clarifications added, and style updated.1. [Added in 1998] For a chapter on what should be done, given these results, those on democide (Death By Government), and an analysis of social justice, see Chapter 8 in The Miracle That Is Freedom.