- Honors:
- Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa
- Carl F. Knoblock Prize in Government for Scholastic Achievement, 1959
- George Washington Honor Medal Award, Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge, 1977
- Guest, International Cultural Society of Korea, August, 1986
- Selection of book Applied Factor Analysis as a "Citation Classic" by Institute for Scientific Information, 1987
- Nominated for the United States Peace Institute Peace Medal
- Congressional Reception of Rummel's book, Death By Government, Washington, D.C., November, 1994
- Graduate Convocation Speaker, University of Hawaii, May, 1995
- Panel in honor of Rummel's research, International Studies Association, Chicago Meeting, 1996
- Nobel Peace Prize frequent nominee beginning in 1996(see here)
- Third Place, 1997 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order
- Susan Strange Award of the International Studies Association for having intellectually most challenged the field in 1999
- Lifetime Achievement Award 2003 from the Conflict Processes Section, American Political Science Association.
- The International Association Of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to the Field of Genocide and Democide Studies and Prevention
- Fellowships and Scholarships:
- Institute of World Affairs Scholarship, 1959
- Northwestern University International Relations Program Fellowship, 1961, 1962
- Grants:
- National Science Foundation grants, 1963-1964, 1964-1966, 1966, 1966-1968, 1972-1974
- Advanced Research Projects Agency (Department of Defense) grants, 1967-1969, 1969-1970, 1970-1971, 1971-1972, 1972-1973, 1974-1975
- The Ilhae Institute, 1986-1987
- The United States Institute of Peace, 1988-1990, 1990-1992
- Past:
- Director, NSF Dimensionality of Nations Project, 1962-1963
- Principal Investigator and Director, Dimensionality of Nations Project, 1963-1975
- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Indiana University, 1963-1964
- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Yale University, 1964-1966
- Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii, 1966-1967
- Research Political Scientist, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii, 1966-1968
- Associate Professor, University of Hawaii, 1967-1968
- Director, the PATH Institute of Research on International Problems, 1974-1977
- Vice President, Political Economic Risk Consultants, 1976-1978
- Professor of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1968-1995
- President, Haiku Institute of Peace Research, 1987-1995
- Present:
- Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii, 1996-
- Consultant:
- Laboratory for Electronics, 1962
- Bendix Aerospace Systems Division, 1965-1972
- Special Operations Research Office, Department of Army, 1965-1966
- JCS/ARPA Simulated International Processes Project, Northwestern University, 1965-1967
- Political Science Research Library, Yale University, 1964-1966
- Yale Political Data Program, 1964-1966
- National Science Foundation, 1965, 1966, 1974, 1979, 1982, 1983
- Advanced Research Projects Agency, 1965-1966
- General Electric, TEMPO, 1969-1970
- Global Political Research, 1976
- Stanford Research Center, Washington, 1976-1981
- Planning Research Corporation, Washington, 1978-1983
- CACI (Washington), 1982
- Editorships:
- Associate Editor, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1968-1971
Interim Editor, Interpolimetrics Newsletter, 1970-1972
- Editorial Boards:
- Strategic Review, 1977-1982
- Orbis, 1981-1984
- International Journal on World Peace, 1984-
- Westview Press "Studies in International Security," 1987-90
- Chairmanships:
- Institute for Defense Analysis/Advanced Research Projects Agency Conference on Basic Political Science Research, 1967
- Quantitative International Politics Society, 1969-1970
- University of Hawaii Faculty-Student Council, 1970
- Interpolimetrics Society 1971-1972
- Board and Committee Memberships:
- International Relations Archive Advisory Committee, 1968-1970
- Constitutional Revision Committee, American Political Science Association, 1970-1971
- Board of Research Consultants, Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 1978-1986
- Republican National Committee, Advisory Council on National Security and International Relations, 1977-1980
- Negotiation Institute (New York), 1979-1986
- Founder:
- Interpolimetrics Society, 1972
- PATH Institute of Research on International Problems, 1974
- Political Economic Risk Consultants, 1976
- Haiku Institute of Peace Research, 1987
- Presentations (excluding speeches):
- Peace Research Conference, University of Chicago, 1964
- Peace Research Conference, University of Pennsylvania, 1965
- Project CAMELOT Conference, Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, 1965
- Computers and the Policy Making Community Institute, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, California, 1966
- ARPA Behavioral Science Symposium on Political Science Research, Arlington, Virginia, 1967
- Second ARPA Behavioral Science Symposium on Political Science Research, Institute for Defense Analysis, Arlington, Virginia, 1967
- International Politics Theory Symposium, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, 1968
- Long Range Planning and Forecasting Conference, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, 1969
- Peace Research Conference, Rome, Italy, 1969
- Peace Research Conference, London School of Economics, London, England, 1969
- First Asian Peace Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1969
- Quantitative Political Science Meeting, Monterey, California, 1970
- International Studies Association Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1970
- ARPA Utilization Conference, Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, 1972
- International Studies Association Meeting, Dallas, Texas, 1972
- NSF Conference on the Successes and Failures of International Relations Research, Ojai, California, 1973
- Communication and Peace in the Pacific, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1973
- International Studies Association Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, 1974 International Transactions for the Future Conference, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1975
- NSF Conference on Control Theory in International Relations Research, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1975
- Peace and Unification on the Korean Peninsula in a New International Order, Seoul, Korea, 1975
- American Security Council, Washington, 1976
- Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, M.I.T., Boston, Massachusetts, 1977
- International Studies Association Meeting, 1977
- Symposium on Nuclear Strength-A Faustian Bargain?, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 1977
- Workshop on Appraisal of Technology Assessment, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, Ohio, 1977
- International Symposium in Search of a Peace System in Northeast Asia, Tokyo, Japan, 1978
- Conference on Prospect for World Peace, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, 1979
- U.S. Commission on Proposals for the National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution, Honolulu, 1980
- Humanities Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1980
- Colloquium on Defending a Free Society, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, 1981
- Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1981
- Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Washington, 1981
- Asian Studies Center, American University, Washington, 1981
- Seminar, National Defense University, Washington, 1981
- Reason Foundation Conference on Defending a Free Society, Santa Barbara, California, 1983
- Professor's World Peace Academy Conference on the Sino-Soviet-American Triad, Los Angeles, California, 1985
- Sogang Institute for East Asian Studies and Korean Association for International Relations, Seoul, Korea, 1986
- International Conference on The Strategic Defense Initiative: Implications for the Asian Community, Seoul, Korea, 1986
- United States Institute of Peace Conference, Airlie House, Airlie, Virginia, June, 1988
- The Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, August, 1989
- United States Institute of Peace Conference, Washington, D.C., October, 1990
- American Bar Association Meeting on "The Rule of Law in U.S. Foreign Policy and the New World Order, Washington, D.C., October, 1991
- Program on Nonviolent Sanctions in Conflict and Defense, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, April, 1992
- Department of Political Science, Florida Atlantic University, Tallahasee, Florida, April, 1992
- Center for National Security Law and American Bar Association Conference on Democracy and the Rule of Law in Foreign Policy, Washington, D.C., December, 1993.
- Department of Political Science, Florida Atlantic University, Tallahasee, Florida, March, 1994
- Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, March, 1994
- School of Law, University of Virginia, March, 1994
- Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia, June, 1994
- Congressional Reception on my book, Death By Government, Washington, D.C., November, 1994
- Seminar by Academics of the Second Amendment, Miami Florida, November,. 1994.
- Panel in "Honor of R.J.Rummel" and Round tables on Genocide and Mass Murder, International Studies Association, Chicago, February, 1995.
- Center on Law, Ethics and National Security Conference, Durham, North Carolina, March, 1995.
- School of Law, University of Virginia, March, 1995
- "Convocation Speech," University of Hawaii, May 12, 1996.
- Books:
- Applied Factor Analysis, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970
- Dimensions of Nations, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1976
- Peace Endangered: The Reality of Détente, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1976
- Field Theory Evolving, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1977
- Dynamics of Power: The US-USSR Arms Field, Honolulu: Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1977
- Understanding Correlation, Honolulu: Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1978
- National Attributes and Behavior: Dimensions, Linkages and Groups, 1950-1965, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1979
- Understanding Conflict and War, Vol. 1-5, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1975-1981
- Analyzing Population Policy and Demographic Change, Calcutta, India: Prajna, 1981
- In The Minds of Men: Principles Toward Understanding and Waging Peace, Seoul, Korea: Sogang University Press, 1984
- Freedom or Violence: On the Inverse Relationship between Political Freedom and Collective Violence, Honolulu: Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1986.
- Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocides and Mass Murders 1917-1987, Rutgers, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1990.
- The Conflict Helix: Principles and Practices of Interpersonal, Social, and International Conflict and Cooperation. Rutgers, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1991.
- China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900. Rutgers, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1991.
- Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder. Rutgers, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1992.
- Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder in the Twentieth Century, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1994.
- The Miracle That Is Freedom. The Martin Institute, University of Idaho, 1996.
- Statistics on Democide. Center on National Security and Law, University of Virginia, 1997.
- Power Kills. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1997.
- Saving Lives, Enriching Life: Freedom as a Right, and a Moral Good, Published on this web site, 2001.
- Lo Stato, Il Democidio, La Guerra: Antologia Di Seritti Sulla Violenza Dei Governi. Treviglio: Presso Tipografia Eliografia Saccardo, 2002
- Rummel's Libertarian Peace Theory. (Collected Works in Korean) Edited by Rhee Sang-Woo, 2002.
- The following are novels in a what-if, alternative history series titled a Never Again Series.
- War & Democide Never Again, Book 1. First three chapters, 2004. Novel downloadable as a free pdf.
- Nuclear Holocaust Never Again, Book 2. First three chapters of the published novel, 2004. Downloadable as a free pdf.
- Reset Never Again, Book 3. First three chapters of the published novel, 2004. Downloadable as a free pdf.
- Red Terror Never Again, Book 4 of the above series of novels. First chapter hook. 2004. Downloadable as a free pdf.
- Genocide Never Again, Book 5 of the above series of novels. First chapter. 2005. Downloadable as a free pdf.
- Never Again?, Book 6 of the above series of novels. First chapter. 2005. Downloadable as a free pdf.
- Never Again: Ending War, Democide, & Famine Through Democratic Freedom, Nonfiction supplement to the above series of novels. Table of Contents. 2006. Downloadable as a free pdf.
- The Blue Book of Freedom audio
- Freedom's Principles 2006: entire. Downloadable in free pdf.
- Articles and Chapters:
- "Dimensions of conflict behavior within and between nations," General Systems: Yearbook of the Society for General Systems, VIII (1963), 1-50
- "Testing some possible predictors of conflict behavior within and between nations," Peace Research Society, Papers I, Chicago Conference, 1963, 79-111
- "A field theory of social action with application to conflict within nations," General Systems: Yearbook of the Society for General Systems, X (1965), 183-211
- "A social field theory of foreign conflict behavior," Peace Research Society, Papers IV, Cracow Conference, 1966, 131-150
- "The Dimensionality of Nations Project," Comparing Nations. Edited by Richard Merritt and Stein Rokkan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966
- "Dimensions of conflict behavior, 1946-1959," Journal of Conflict Resolution, X (March, 1966), 65-73
- "A foreign conflict behavior code sheet," World Politics, XVIII (January 1966), 283-296
- "Some dimensions in the foreign behavior of nations," Journal of Peace Research, 3 (1966), 201-223
- "Some attributes and behavioral patterns of nations," Journal of Peace Research, 2 (1967), 196-206
- "Dimensions of Dyadic War, 1820-1952," Journal of Conflict Resolution, XI (June 1967), 176-183
- "Understanding factor analysis," Journal of Conflict Resolution, XI (December 1967), 444-480
- "Future research on the Asian system," East-West Center Review, (December 1967)
- "Domestic attributes and foreign conflict," Quantitative International Politics. Edited by J. David Singer. New York: Free Press, 1968
- "Progress in understanding international relations: the DON project," East-West Center Review, (March 1968)
- "Delineating international patterns and profiles," The Computer and the Policy Making Community. Edited by D.B. Bobrow and J.L. Schwartz, Englewood, Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1969, 154-202
- "Some empirical findings on nations and their behavior," World Politics, XXI (January 1969), 226-241
- "Indicators of cross-national and international patterns," American Political Science Review, LXIII (March 1969), 127-147
- "Forecasting international relations: a proposed investigation of three mode factor analysis," Technological Forecasting, 1 (June 1969), 197-216
- "Dimensions of foreign and domestic conflict behavior: a review of empirical findings," Theory and Research on the Causes of War. Edited by Dean G. Pruitt and Richard C. Snyder. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1969, 219-228
- "The patterns of dyadic foreign conflict for 1963," (with Dennis Hall) Multivariate Behavioral Research, V (July 1970), 275-294
- "Issue dimensions in the 1963 United Nations General Assembly," (with Richard Pratt) Multivariate Behavioral Research, 6 (April 1971), 251-286
- "Dimensions of error in cross-national data," Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology. Edited by Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen. Garden City, New York: Natural History Press, 1971, 946-961
- "U.S. foreign relations: conflict, cooperation, and attribute distances," Peace, War and Numbers. Edited by Bruce Russett. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1972, 71-113
- "Social time and international relations," Locational Approaches to Power and Conflict. Edited by Kevin R. Cox, et al. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1974, 73-105
- "The roots of faith," In Search of Global Patterns. Edited by James N. Rosenau. New York: The Free Press, 1976, 10-30
- "Will the Soviet Union soon have a first-strike capability," Orbis, 20 (Fall 1976), 579-594
- "...Or imminent threat," New Guard, XVIII (December 1976), 14-15
- "The dimensionality of Nations Project," Quantitative International Politics. Edited by Francis W. Hoole and Dina A. Zinnes. New York: Praeger, 1976, 149-154
- "Comments on the reviews of the Dimensionality of Nations Project," Ibid. 219-243
- "Détente and reality," Strategic Review, IV (Fall 1976), 33-43
- "Wishful thinking is no defense," Reason, 9 (July 1977), 22-25
- "Predicting the condo market," (with Gary D. Murfin) CONDO: Honolulu Condo Report, 2 (April 22, 1977), 11-14
- "Patterns and prediction equations: what are the questions? what are the uses?," (with Gary D. Murfin) Ibid. 2 (May 20, 1977), 11-15
- "Patterns and prediction equations: analyzing results," (with Gary D. Murfin) Ibid. 2 (June 17, 1977), 12-14
- "How multinational analyze political risk," (with David A. Heenan) Harvard Business Review, 56 (January-February 1978) 67-76
- "A warning on Michael Haas' International Conflict," Journal of Conflict Resolution, XXII (March 1978), 157-162
- "Controlling arms control: the price of peace with freedom," Journal of International Relations, 3 (Spring 1978) 12-27
- "International transactions and conflict: polarities or complements," Bonds Without Bondage: Explorations in Transcultural Interactions. Edited by Krishna Kumar. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1979, 283-292
- "Preparing for war? The Third Reich versus the Soviet Union today," International Security Review, 4 (Fall 1979), 207-229
- "Korea and the correlation of forces toward war," Korea & World Affairs, 5 (Spring 1981), 18-35
- "Government, violence, and social justice in Hawaii," 1980 Humanities Conference, Honolulu: Hawaii Committee for the Humanities, 1981
- "Wiberg's review essay on Rummel: a reply," Journal of Peace Research, 20 (1983), 279-280
- "The freedom factor," Reason, (July 1983), 32-38
- "Libertarianism and International Violence," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 27 (March 1983), 27-71
- "Libertarianism, Violence Within States, and the Polarity Principle," Comparative Politics, 16 (July 1984), 443-462
- "Empirical basis of defense policy," Defending a Free Society. Edited by Robert W. Poole, Jr. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1984, 33-56
- "Current strategic realities," Ibid. 57-97
- "On fostering peace," International Journal on World Peace, 1 (Autumn 1984), 4-14
- "In response to Don Martindale's comments 'On fostering a just peace'," Ibid, 2 (Winter 1985), 83-85
- "Freedom and global peace," The Encyclopedia of Peace, 2 (1985)
- "The conflict helix," The Journal of Peace Studies, 5 (December 1985), 41-92
- "Social field theory, libertarianism and violence," International Journal on World Peace, 3 (Oct-Dec. 1986), 9-44
- "Libertarian Propositions on Violence Within and Between Nations: A Test Against Published Research Results," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 29 (September 1985), 419-455
- "This week's citation classic: Applied Factor Analysis," Current Contents, 19 (June 15, 1987), 15
- "A Catastrophe Theory model of the conflict helix, with tests," Behavioral Science 32 (October 1987): 241-266.
- "Triadic Struggle and Accommodation in Perspective," The Strategic Triangle: China, The United States and the Soviet Union, Edited by Ilpyong Kim. New York: Paragon House, 1987
- "On Vincent's view of freedom and international conflict," International Studies Quarterly, 31 (March 1987):113-125.
- "Deadlier than war," IPA Review, Vol. 41 (1987):24-30
- "As though a nuclear war: the death toll of absolutism," International Journal on World Peace, V (July-September 1988):27-44
- "Roots of faith II," in Journeys Through World Politics, Edited by Joseph and James N. Rosenau. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1989, pp. 311-328
- "Now, there's a kinder, gentler argument in favor of a free press," ["Freedom of the press--A Way to Global Peace"]ASNE Bulletin, [ASNE: American Society of Newspaper Editors] (February 1989): 27
- "The Politics of Cold Blood," Society, Vol. 27 (November/December,1989):32-40.
- "War isn't this century's biggest killer," International Relations, Edited by George Lopez and Michael Stohl, Washington D.C.: CQ Press, 1989, pp. 473-476.
- "American troops in Korea and the potential for war," ["The Conflict Helix and the Probability of a Korean War,"] U.S. Forces in Korea. [in Korean] Edited by Tong Whan Park. Seoul, Korea: The Korea Institute for Defense Analysis, 1990.
- "Political perception, latent functions, and social fields: a quantum theory approach to politics," in Quantum Politics: Applying Quantum Theory to Political Phenomena. Edited by Theodore Becker. New York: Praeger, 1991, pp. 101-125.
- "Political systems, violence, and war." ["The democratic peace: a new idea?"] In W. Scott Thompson and Kenneth M. Jensen, with Richard N. Smith and Kimber M. Schraub (Eds.). Approaches to Peace: An Intellectual Map. Washington, D.C.: The United States Institute of Peace, 1991: pp. 347-370. Also published as "The politics of cold blood," Society, Vol. 27 (November/December,1989): 32-40.
- "The death toll of Marxism in the Soviet Union," Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide, No. 30-1 (February 1991): 9-12.
- "The rule of law: towards eliminating war," Speech given to the ABA National Security Conference on "The Rule of Law in United States Foreign Policy and the New World Order. Washington, D.C., October 10-11, 1991.
- "Megamurderers," Society, (June-July 1992)
- "Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely," Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide. forthcoming 1992.
- "Power, genocide, and mass murder," ["Power kills: genocide and mass murder,"] Journal of Peace Research 31 (No.1, 1994): 1-10.
- "Democide in totalitarian states: mortacracies and megamurderers [An annotated bibliography]," In Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review. Edited by Israel W. Charny. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1994.
- "Waging peace through democracy," ["Waging denuclearization and social justice through democracy,"]Waging Peace
Bulletin 4 (Winter 94/95).
- "Democracy, power, genocide, and mass murder," ["Power predicts democide,"] Journal of Conflict Resolution Vol. 39 (March 1995): 3-26.
- "Democracies ARE less warlike than other regimes," European Journal of International Relations Vol. 1 (December 1995):457-479.
- "The Holocaust in comparative and historical perspective," In Contemporary Genocides: Causes, Cases, Consequences. Edited by Albert J. Jongman. Leiden, PIOOM, 1996
- "Human Rights," In William Vogele and Roger, Powers, Protest, Power, And Change: An Encyclopedia Of Nonviolence Action From Act-Up To Women's
Suffrage, Hamden, CT: Garland Publishing, 1996.
- "Democratization," In William Vogele and Roger, Powers, Protest, Power, And Change: An Encyclopedia Of Nonviolence Action From Act-Up To Women's
Suffrage, Hamden, CT: Garland Publishing, 1996.
- "Is collective violence correlated with social pluralism?" Journal of Peace Research, 34 (May 1997):-175.
- "Genocide." Enciclopedia Italiana, forthcoming, 2002.
- Research Reports of the Dimensionality of Nations Project (not included under articles):
- "Measures of international relations," No. 8, 1967
- "The DON Project: a five-year research program," No. 9, 1967
- "The patterns of dyadic foreign conflict behavior for 1963," (with Dennis Hall) No. 12, 1968
- "Attribute and behavioral spaces of nations: variables and samples for 1950," No. 13, 1968
- "Estimating missing data," (with Charles Wall) No. 20, 1969
- "Foreign conflict patterns and types for 1963," (with Gary Oliva) No. 22, 1969
- "Dynamic patterns of nation's conflict, 1955 to 1963,"
(with Willard Keim) No. 27, 1969
- "Field theory and indicators of international behavior," No. 29, 1969
- "The DON Project: policy relevance and overview," No. 34, 1969
- "Forecasting international relations: some views on the relevancy of the Dimensionality of Nations Project to policy planning," (with Warren Phillips) No. 36, 1969
- "Testing field theory on the 1963 behavior space of nations," (with Richard Van Atta) No. 43, 1970
- "Field theory and the 1963 space of nations," No. 44, 1970
- "Status field theory and international relations," No. 50, 1971
- "Attributes of nations: data and codes 1950-1965," (with Sang-Woo Rhee and George Omen) No. 65, 1973
- "Behaviors of nation-dyads: data and codes 1950-1965," (with Sang-Woo Rhee and George Omen) No. 67, 1973
- "A summary and annotated bibliography of research by the Dimensionality of Nations Project, 1967-1973," No. 69, 1975
- Papers (Department of Political Science, U. of Hawaii):
- "Dynamics of conflict behavior," 1969, 20pp
- "International social indicators and linkages," 1974, 45pp
- "Conflict watch: a continuous computer monitor of the Asia-Pacific region," 1975, 46pp
- "The plight of South Korea," 1975, 9pp
- "Factors of crime, criminality and enforcement in Honolulu: concepts paper," 1975, 3pp
- "Population policy and demographic change," 1975, 52pp
- "Political systems and war," 1975, 25pp
- "Synoptic computer projection of the policy environment," 1976, 70pp
- "Knee-jerk negativism: the intellectual and the B-1," 1976, 8pp
- "Roots of struggle," 1976, 14pp
- "Assessing political risk," 1977, 36pp
- "What price inferiority," 1977, 18pp
- "The statistical dynamics of the US/USSR military balance," 1977, 57pp
- "The probability of a Soviet-American war as judged by scientific findings on peace and war," 1978, 77pp
- "Is deterrence collapsing," 1979, 100pp
- "Fundamental and applied principles of peace and conflict," 1979, 90pp
- "The new danger of a Soviet-American war," 1979, 87pp
- "Freedom, violence and war," 1982, 15pp
- "How many did communist regimes murder?" Paper, 1993.
- "Genocide and Mass Murder: How Many Have Been Killed and Why? 1993, 8pp
- "Genocide and Mass Murder: The Black Hole in Peace Research," 1993, 17pp.
- Web Site Papers:
- Newspaper Articles:
- "Testing paths to peace," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (January 27, 1975), A-16
- "American credibility," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (April 8, 1975)
- "Kissinger vs. Solzhenitsyn," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (July 25, 1975), A-19
- "The myth of a Soviet-US arms race," Honolulu Star-Bulletin,
- "The myth of American military superiority," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (August 9, 1975), A-10
- "Detente and the Russian threat," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (January 6, 1976), A-15
- "Overkill in military arguments," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (May 15, 1976), A-11
- "The balance of power in Asia," The Korean Herald New Year Supplement, (January 1, 1977), 5
- "The meaning of 'Roots'," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (February 19, 1977), A-8
- "The question is war or peace," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (February 1, 1980), A-19
- "A scenario on unilateral disarmament," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (November 18, 1981), A-16
- "Arming Japan would foster world peace," Press Telegram, (May 25, 1984)
- "Democracies Don't Fight Each Other," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, (June 21, 1985)
- "War isn't this century's biggest killer," The Wall Street Journal, (July 7, 1986).
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