June 11, 1998: Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 1: The Dynamic Psychological Field: entire book scanned and edited for this site.
July 5, 1998: Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 2: The Conflict Helix: entire book scanned and edited for this site.
July 16, 1998: Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 3: Conflict In Perspective: entire book scanned and edited for this site.
August 21, 1998: Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 4: War, Power, Peace: entire book scanned and edited for this site.
September 17, 1998: Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 5: The Just Peace: entire book scanned and edited for this site.
September 22, 1998: A Catastrophe Theory model of the conflict helix, with tests, Behavioral Science 32 (October 1987): 241-266.
September 27, 1998: Understanding factor analysis, The Journal of Conflict Resolution 11 (December 1967): 444-480.
October 2, 1998: Understanding Correlation: entire book scanned for this site.
October 2, 1998: Freeman Interview of R.J. Rummel, The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 47 (July 1997): 396-403.
October 18, 1998: "Libertarianism and International Violence", Journal of Conflict Resolution 27 (March 1983): 27-71.
November 1, 1998: H-C. Peterson's response to Ted Galen Carpenter's review of Rummel's Power Kills and his rebuttal.
November 15, 1998: What is the "democratic peace"?
April 3, 1999: Democide Since World War II.
July 11, 1999: Spencer Weart's summary chapter of Never At War
July 11, 1999: Gallery of ten paintings
April 12, 2000: Gallery 2 of ten paintings/paintages.
November 24, 2000: Statistics of Poland's Democide: Addenda. Written for this web site.
January 18, 2001: Saving Lives, Enriching Life: Freedom as a Right and a Moral Good. Entire book exclusively published on this web site.
The Murdered
February 5, 2001: Rings of Tears: The Murdered. Megatomb entrance to Photographs of Democide: Room 1.
February 14, 2001: Rings of Tears: The Murdering. Megatomb entrance to Photographs of Democide: Room 2.
February 20, 2001: Rings of Tears: Faces of Death. Megatomb entrance to Photographs of Democide: Room 3.
March 13, 2001: Remodeled Gallery 1 and Gallery 2 with the addition of new paintings; creation of Gallery 3.
May 1, 2001: Attempts to make the total democide more meaningful by visualizing it through special graphics.
May 6, 2001: Painting of an old lady waiting in the snow to be murdered.
June 6, 2001: "Eliminating Democide and War Through an Alliance of Democracies"
September 21, 2001: Democratic Peace Clock and empirical evidence.
November 16, 2002: Genocide--an Enciclopedia Italiana article.
February 20, 2003: Add/Revise links page
February 20, 2003: A synopsis and associated first three chapters of Never Happen, Book 1 of an alternative history trilogy.
April 24, 2003: Commentary theme page. Note: separate commentaries are not included here--see archive on commentary page.
2004-2005: Alternative history Never Again Series, which includes the first three chapters of Book 1 (War & Democide Never Again), Book 2 (Nuclear Holocaust Never Again), Book 3 (Reset Never Again), or the hook to Book 4 (Red Terror Never Again).
March 30, 2005: Knowing the Roots of War: Analyses And Interpretations Of Six Centuries Of Warfare (Collected Papers) By Frank H. Denton, Ph.D., entire book.
May 15, 2005: Docudramas: Attempting to humanize democide statistics through dramatic characterization.
June 30, 2005. The covers, synopsis, and a sample chaper or so of the six alternative history novels in the Never Again Series have been added.
July 1, 2005. All the novels in the Never Again Series and the nonfiction supplement, Never Again, now downloadable free in pdf.
May 14, 2006. Who Were The Mortacracies In 2005? This is an extension of the meaning of mortacracy as a democidal state to include demoslaughter.
June 25, 2006. Freedom's Principles Entire: Downloadable in free pdf.
June 27, 2006. The Declaration of Freedom of Humanity A declaration of freedom based on The Declaration of Independence.
July 19, 2007. The Blue Book Of Freedom Ending famine, poverty, democide, and war.
November 3, 2007. "Elective Governments--A Force For Peace," the first quantitative test of the democratic peace by Dean Babst.
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